
equalling是什么意思 equalling在线翻译 equalling什么意思 equalling的意思 equalling的翻译 equalling的解释 equalling的发音 equalling的同义词

equalling [i:k'wəlɪŋ]  [i:k'wəlɪŋ] 


equalling 基本解释

比得上( equal的现在分词 );赶得上;与…相等或相同;使等于;

equalling 网络解释

1. equalling的翻译

1. 均等 均等:equallengthcode 等长度编码 等长码 | equalling 均等 均等 | equallingneedlehandlefile 平齐头针锉

2. equalling的反义词

2. 均等:equalizing /均衡/ | equalling /均等/ | equally /相等地/同样地/平等地/相等/

equalling 双语例句

1. The United boss told his pre-match press conference: For me, I am not looking at equalling anyone.

2. equalling

2. I think now and again about equalling Pele`s record of three World Cup wins.

3. equalling

3. That 7-0 victory was a club record equalling biggest home win in the Premier League for Arsenal.

4. On equalling the record unbeaten start to a season This is a great achievement for my players as they've shown an outstanding attitude.

5. Yes, I thought we were capable of going all the way but people shouldn`t believe the doomsters who suggested Milan's brilliant win against us means that we have no chance of equalling them.

6. He scored 7 goals in the league, like in the previous season, 2 goals in the Champions League 2007/08 and 1 in the World Club Cup, equalling his personal record of 10 goals established in the previous season.

7. equalling什么意思

7. Wukong:He is the Great Sage Equalling Heaven who uproared in heaven five hundred years ago, are you afraid of him?

8. Seven of them then went through two field exercise tests with the load intensity equalling the MLSS velocity in one test and exceeding the MLSS velocity by 0.2m/s in the other.

9. Pluralistic sports needs satisfied people, the equalling driving the sports service lying fallow melts;

10. equalling的近义词

10. The height, measured vertically from the ground to the highest point of the withers, equalling the length measured horizontally from the forechest to the rear projection of the upper thigh.

11. He compares the medium of the " video system " to that of canvas, stating that video permits an immediate control over what one creates equalling that of painting.

12. equalling的翻译

12. Opera singers too are born with the potential to sing well, and those of us born with a singing voice like a frog in a rusty bucket have no hope of equalling them.

13. equalling的意思

13. Victories over Manchester City and Wigan had the champions six points clear of second-placed Liverpool going into the match, meaning a point would secure a record-equalling18th league title.

14. equalling

14. A loan which features payments equalling one half of the usual monthly payment made every two weeks (to total 26 in a year), thus substantially reducing the life of the mortgage and the interest payable over the life of the mortgage.

15. To win the contest a judoka must score an Ippon (a degree equalling 10 points) by using a successful technique.

16. 911查询·英语单词

16. That is more exciting for me and is the prospect that resonates with me far more than equalling others.

17. equalling

17. Ferguson, however, is increasingly optimistic about United equalling Liverpool's record of18 league titles.

18. Captain Harville, though not equalling Captain Wentworth in manners, was a perfect gentleman, unaffected, warm, and obliging.

19. Sir Alex Ferguson claims he will get no satisfaction from equalling Liverpool's record of18 league titles, should United retain the Premier League against Arsenal on Saturday.

20. The set of higher order terms under general equivalence equalling that of under strongly equivalence

equalling 单语例句

1. About 17 million of the cards have already been issued, the number in circulation equalling more than twice the resident population of Hong Kong.

2. Federer marched into his seventh successive grand slam final at Melbourne Park, equalling the record of Australian Jack Crawford set in 1934.

3. Agents for buyers and sellers typically split commissions equalling six percent of sales prices.

4. But the officials said equalling the Sydney success will be a tough task.

5. The Australian made a 141 in frame four, equalling his career best.

6. Schumacher revealed he began leaning towards quitting just before the first 2006 race in Bahrain - after equalling Ayrton Senna's record of 65 pole positions.

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