
everyday clothes是什么意思 everyday clothes在线翻译 everyday clothes什么意思 everyday clothes的意思 everyday clothes的翻译 everyday clothes的解释

everyday clothes [ˈevridei kləuðz]  [ˈɛvriˈde kloz] 

everyday clothes 基本解释


everyday clothes 网络解释

1. 便服:tailored suit 女式西服 | everyday clothes 便服 | three-piece suit 三件套

2. 便服 服装类型英语:evening dress 夜礼服 服装类型英语 | everyday clothes 便服 服装类型英语 | Expansive colour 膨胀色 服装颜色英语

3. 燕服:tailored suit 女式西服 | everyday clothes 燕服 | three-piece suit 三件套

4. 他穿着平凡的衣服:424. broke words once again. 他又一次违反了诺言. | 425. everyday clothes. 他穿着平凡的衣服. | 426. taller than ahead. 他比我高一头.

everyday clothes 双语例句

1. everyday clothes什么意思

1. Get up 7am everyday, wash and dress, tie my hair up and go to the school canteen and get a piece of cake at 7:25, class is over at 12am, go to canteen with eve and get back to dorm at 12:30, talk on phone with neal for a while, 1pm start to take a nap, get up at 2:10pm, go back to classroom 10mins later, class is over at 5pm, go out for supper with eve, usually 2 share of noodle, or one share of meal and a desert, get back to classroom at 6pm, check email, night class starts at 6:30pm, listening comprehesion, go back to dorm at 9pm, jump up and down for 500 times, sit for 10 mins to choke the desire of puking back, finish bathing at 10pm, dry my hair, wash clothes, till 10:45pm the main light will be turned off, then i start to study till 12pm, then sleep...then the story goes...

2. He is in his everyday clothes.

3. She didn`t recognize him in his sloppy everyday clothes.

4. everyday clothes的翻译

4. The characters are somberly dressed in their everyday clothes – thick, solid and faded – and wearing French clogs.

5. Two sibling arrived to love beautiful age, everyday always to the mirror self-affected, but mom often buys beautiful clothes to the little sister only, the elder brother blames this matter for this pair of pa, father comforts: The thing of export wants particularly exquisite pack!

6. People should learn what all those masters teach which is, the truth and the meaning of life. we should be always concerned about how important it is to love, manage and cherish yourself, your family and our earth, everyday everything is love and the saint and the prophet, s guiding and effort. if the animals are sick, you should guarantine them and cure them. don, t kill them. let the animals die naturally, this will prevent the virus from mutation and causing more damage. chickens and ducks have the rights to live on the earth. we can, t take away their rights and use their bodies to made food and clothes. we should take care of them and let them die naturally.

7. People should learn what all those masters teach which is, the truth and the meaning of life. we should be always concerned about how important it is to love, manage and cherish yourself, your family and our earth, everyday everything is love and the saint and the prophet, s guiding and effort. if the animals are sick, you should guarantine them and cure them. don, t kill them. let the animals die naturally, this will prevent the virus from mutation and causing more damage. chickens and ducks have the rights to live on the earth. we can, t take away their rights and use their bodies to made food and clothes. we should take care of them and let them die naturally. the important thing is that don, t let them eat the food which is made of meat. is it must ask expert propose or computer information so as not to let love of us injure get other kindhearted existence of life to free in addition. thank you.

8. everyday clothes

8. To prepare for that demographic shift, Ms. Ahrendts divided Burberry`s clothing lines more clearly into Prorsum, which features high-end couture and evening wear worn by celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow and Liv Tyler; Burberry London, clothes for the office and everyday wear; and Burberry Brit, more casual weekend clothes.
    为了顺应客层的改变,艾伦兹把B urberry的服装产品做了更明确的画分,分成葛妮丝派楚和丽芙泰勒等名流穿的女用高级订制服和晚宴服,称为prorsum系列;上班和日常穿的Burberry London系列;以及周末穿的休闲服Burberry Brit系列。

9. He come to see me in his everyday clothes.

10. He is in his everyday clothes clothes.

11. I'm wearing my everyday clothes.

12. He is in h is everyday clothes.

13. everyday clothes

13. He is in 你好s everyday clothes.

14. The everyday clothes in lively AND light style are fashionable all the year round.

15. everyday clothes

15. Serves under somebody's banner the management project to include: Automobile thing set and assembling parts department, special lubrication fuel oils department, plastic hardware tool department, clothes shoes and hats sock center, everyday use cosmetics center.

16. everyday clothes

16. Those that you see everyday, once they wear night subterfuge clothes and a veil, you won't recognize each other.

17. danci.911cha.com

17. He likes wearing everyday clothes.

18. I like everyday clothes. Say, how about sports suits?

19. 911查询·英语单词

19. Getting a shower, food and clean clothes was an everyday struggle.

20. Sales of clothes and cars slowed from last year; growth in everyday items, food, tobacco, and furniture were the worst in two years.

everyday clothes 单语例句

1. She often helped and gave food and clothes to the poor farmers in the village, and she burned incense and prayed everyday at Qingliang Temple.

2. These " hidden gamblers " do not change clothes everyday and some of them use public or casino toilets.

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