
exclude是什么意思 exclude在线翻译 exclude什么意思 exclude的意思 exclude的翻译 exclude的解释 exclude的发音 exclude的同义词 exclude的反义词

exclude [ɪkˈsklu:d]  [ɪk'sklu:d] 


exclude 基本解释

及物动词排斥; 排除,不包括; 驱除,赶出

exclude 同义词


exclude 反义词



exclude 网络解释

1. 排斥:因此可保证对该区域内连续的数据读写请求总是分配到同一路径上. 为增加软件的灵活性,可提供参数供用户设置,根据实际环境决定采用何种方式达到负载均衡. 4.5逻辑单元屏蔽对于每一个物理磁盘,SPM为其保留一个排斥(exclude)属性. 仅当exclude为0时.

exclude 词典解释

1. 将…排除在外;不包括
    If you exclude someone from a place or activity, you prevent them from entering it or taking part in it.

    e.g. The Academy excluded women from its classes...
    e.g. The army should be excluded from political life...

2. 拒绝;阻止
    If you exclude something that has some connection with what you are doing, you deliberately do not use it or consider it.


    e.g. They eat only plant foods, and take care to exclude animal products from other areas of their lives...
    e.g. In some schools, Christmas carols are being modified to exclude any reference to Christ.

3. 排除…的可能性;对…不予考虑
    To exclude a possibility means to decide or prove that it is wrong and not worth considering.


    e.g. I cannot entirely exclude the possibility that some form of pressure was applied to the neck.
    e.g. ...the pathological evidence, which does not exclude suicide.

4. 阻挡;拒绝;阻止…进入
    To exclude something such as the sun's rays or harmful germs means to prevent them physically from reaching or entering a particular place.

    e.g. This was intended to exclude the direct rays of the sun...
    e.g. They have spent $3 million building fences around the National Park to exclude such pests.

exclude 单语例句

1. French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said that any Syrian transition government " will be chosen by mutual consent and will exclude murderers ".

2. He called for a meeting among such countries that would exclude Syria.

3. " We cannot exclude the possibility that there are soldiers under the rubble, " he said by telephone.

4. He doesn't exclude the application of psychological hints and guidance to eliminate the patients'worries and provide a clearer picture of their true self.

5. But the two sides have tried to exclude each other from their monopolized business, claiming convergence may endanger national communications security to Chinese people.

6. If the competitor wants to exclude the Chinese company from entering a certain market, then he might register the Chinese trademark in advance.

7. The first imperative is to achieve a comprehensive ceasefire and speed up political negotiation, which would exclude factions who did not sign the Darfur Peace Agreement.

8. The newspaper said that in its reporting, it attempted to exclude information that would endanger confidential informants or compromise national security.

9. Such a system does not exclude the possibility of connivance of the guilty, especially with the influence of defending attorneys'professional skills.

10. Reports have it that the latest draft may exclude local governments from the process of forced demolitions and consign the matter to the judiciary.

exclude 英英释义



1. prevent from being included or considered or accepted

    e.g. The bad results were excluded from the report
           Leave off the top piece

    Synonym: exceptleave outleave offomittake out

2. prevent from entering
    keep out

    e.g. He was barred from membership in the club

    Synonym: bardebar

3. put out or expel from a place

    e.g. The unruly student was excluded from the game

    Synonym: ejectchuck outturf outboot outturn out

4. prevent from entering
    shut out

    e.g. The trees were shutting out all sunlight
           This policy excludes people who have a criminal record from entering the country

    Synonym: keep outshut outshut

5. lack or fail to include

    e.g. The cost for the trip excludes food and beverages

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