
existing是什么意思 existing在线翻译 existing什么意思 existing的意思 existing的翻译 existing的解释 existing的发音 existing的同义词

existing [ɪgˈzɪstɪŋ]  [ɪɡˈzɪstɪŋ] 


existing 基本解释

形容词现存的; 目前的

动词存在( exist的现在分词); 持续存在

existing 相关例句


1. We have to find ways of making the existing system work better.

existing 网络解释

1. 现存的:但直至近期,商业回收(commercial retrieval)仅些地方,频繁的热流(heat flow)导致水以温泉(geyser)和热泉(hot spring)的形地热(geothermal)液体被认定为对于现存的(existing)商业系统不充分时,

2. 目前的:(B)文章最后两句指出,即使干旱突然停下来某些地区也不会结束苦难,因为,需要连续下几年特别大的冬雨,才能将目前的(existing)贮水量恢复到正常水位. 可见,几年来,水位已降至最低位. (B)第二段第四句(也即第二条建议)建议申请人去尽量多地获得公司背景信息,

existing 词典解释

1. (尤指与未来相对的)现存的,现行的,目前的
    Existing is used to describe something which is now present, available, or in operation, especially when you are contrasting it with something which is planned for the future.

    e.g. ...the need to improve existing products and develop new lines...
    e.g. Existing timbers are replaced or renewed...

existing 单语例句

1. The existing limit on the amount of salary domestic firms can deduct as business expenses will no longer apply.

2. Ding said those media should make good use of existing resources and advanced management methods for the new business.

3. He said Longyuan will expand its business in the US mainly by buying existing wind power plants and investing in its own projects.

4. All existing micro blog accounts will have to be tied to true identity verification by March this year.

5. Xu points out that all existing institutions are mainly supported by the government, and have little knowledge of market demand and standard practices.

6. The route is the third route leading to South Asia from Yunnan, joining existing flights to Dhaka and Calcutta.

7. Banks should stop lending or call in existing loans for projects that violate State regulations, the CBRC said.

8. Critics have called it a tactic to entrench the ruling party's hold over the legislature by shortening the existing assembly's term by two years.

9. The 21 existing pieces by arguably the greatest calligrapher in Chinese history are all copies made during the Tang Dynasty.

10. It said it have reused as much of the existing structure as possible, noting all the doors on the campus are recycled from those used by predecessors.

existing 英英释义



1. having existence or being or actuality

    e.g. an attempt to refine the existent machinery to make it more efficient
           much of the beluga caviar existing in the world is found in the Soviet Union and Iran

    Synonym: existent

2. presently existing

    e.g. the existing system

3. existing in something specified

    e.g. depletion of the oxygen existing in the bloodstream

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