
factoring是什么意思 factoring在线翻译 factoring什么意思 factoring的意思 factoring的翻译 factoring的解释 factoring的发音 factoring的同义词

factoring ['fæktərɪŋ]  ['fæktərɪŋ] 


factoring 基本解释



factoring 网络解释

1. 代理:保理,即保付代理(Factoring),是保付代理商与以赊销方式出售货物的供货商之间的一项综合安排. 根据这一安排,供应商售出货物后,将应收账款的债权以无追索权方式断售保理商,即可获得保理商提供的货款催收、贸易融资、坏账担保、账务管理等多项服务.

2. 因子分解:第5章还解释量子Fourier变换如何用于解因子分解(factoring)和离散对数(discrete logarithm)问题,以及这些结果对密码系统的重要性. 第7章以已在实验室获得成功的几个实现为例,来阐述量子计算机好的物理实现的一般原则. ..

3. 应收账款让售:Accounts receivable financing 应收账款融资 1.企业将销货或营运产生之应收账款让售(factoring)以取得短期资金的一种融通方式. accrual basis (权责)发生制原则(权责)应计基准 1.会计记账方法,按收入和支出权责的实际发生时间来记账,

factoring 单语例句

1. Chasing a strategic market without factoring in whether you can win in that market is an almost certain route to disaster.

2. But he will speak in favor of the board's factoring in public views.

3. They can also be seen in the growth of recycling industries in South Korea, or the way Indonesia is factoring forests into its social and economic planning.

4. But factoring in today's higher admission prices, more tickets were sold over the Memorial Day holiday that year than this past weekend.

5. Factoring in health at the outset and other variables, medically illiterate patients were 50 percent more likely to die than the others.

6. He pointed out that the government should actually collect more land premium from the MTR factoring in the presence of the railway.

7. But factoring out the impact of a tax break in 2005, adjusted net profit rose by 18 percent.

8. Factoring in higher ticket prices, movie attendance is running 5 percent behind last year's.

9. Banks that offer the service can perform it, as can financial service firms that specialize in factoring.

10. Factoring in his performance, the court sentenced him to 18 months jail suspended for two years.

factoring 英英释义


1. (mathematics) the resolution of an entity into factors such that when multiplied together they give the original entity

    Synonym: factorizationfactorisation

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