
far east是什么意思 far east在线翻译 far east什么意思 far east的意思 far east的翻译 far east的解释 far east的发音 far east的同义词

far east[fɑ: i:st] 

far east 基本解释


far east 网络解释

1. 远东:英国商业摄影师威廉桑德斯1862-1887年在上海开设照相馆,虽然他也拍摄了诸如官员出行、罪犯行刑等新闻时事和社会风俗照片,并在<<远东>>( Far East)、<<伦敦新闻画报>>(Illustrated London News)等杂志发表,但是他的摄影艺术成就主要是人像摄影.

2. far east

2. 远东地区:EAFE指数基金是欧洲(Europe),大洋洲地区(Australia)、远东地区(Far East)的缩写,该类基金仅投资于上述成熟市场,而最近炙手可热的新兴市场并未囊括在内.

3. 世纪福克斯公司 [日本]:20世纪福克斯荷兰分公司 [荷兰] Brazil VHS | 20世纪福克斯公司 [日本] Far East | 20世纪福克斯阿根廷分公司 [阿根廷] Argentina

4. 美驻远东海军司令:COMNAVCENT || Commander, Alied Naval Forces, Central Europe 中欧盟军海军司令(北约) | COMNAVFE || Commander, Naval Forces, Far East 美驻远东海军司令 | Como || 科摩(在科摩湖畔,有丝绸城之称)

far east 词典解释

1. 远东,远东地区(指所有东亚国家,包括中国、日本、朝鲜、韩国以及其他东南亚国家)
    The Far East is used to refer to all the countries of Eastern Asia, including China, Japan, North and South Korea, and other countries in South-East Asia.

far east 单语例句

1. He said some developers were flying over to the Far East to try to effectively dump properties they could not sell to UK buyers.

2. The project took a knock after Japan offered a rival pipeline that will bypass China and stretch to Russia's Far East port of Nakhodka.

3. They have proved that the mainstream interpretations of the East and the West are actually not that far apart.

4. Liu was among the first Chinese farmers to tap the potential of Russia's Far East as a major global grain producing center.

5. NTV said Koval died when a tank of torpedo coolant exploded while the submarine was at its moorings off Kamchatka in Russia's far east.

6. Nor does it need to copy Japan's model because the neighbor to the east has escaped the subprime tsunami unscathed so far.

7. The proposal to lease millions of hectares of idle cropland in the Far East to foreign agribusinesses has generated some controversy within Russia.

8. It hoped to take part in the discovering and utilization of crude oil and natural resources in Russia's Far East regions.

9. HSBC Hong Kong will serve as its first Far East clearing custodian in Asia.

10. They are expected to arrive in the Far East on Wednesday, three days before their opening game.

far east 英英释义



1. a popular expression for the countries of eastern Asia (usually including China and Mongolia and Taiwan and Japan and Korea and Indochina and eastern Siberia)

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