
fatalities是什么意思 fatalities在线翻译 fatalities什么意思 fatalities的意思 fatalities的翻译 fatalities的解释 fatalities的发音 fatalities的同义词



fatalities 基本解释

死亡;恶性事故( fatality的名词复数 );致命性;命运;

fatalities 网络解释

1. 死亡:(成年蝴蝶也吸收该物质)参考:某地高速公路提高了最大限速之后,事故(accident)和死亡(fatalities)都有所上升, however,即使排除了提高最大限速的影响,单是行驶路程的增加就导致了一半的事故(accident),

2. 死亡率:水平传播 horizontal transmission | 死亡率 fatalities | 随机比对临床试验 randomized trial

3. 死亡事故:fatal dose 致命剂量 | fatalities 死亡事故 | fatigue 疲劳

4. 死亡人数:Injuries 受伤人数:1 | Fatalities 死亡人数:1 | Survivors 幸存者人数:

fatalities 单语例句


1. The economic slowdown has dramatically reduced coalmine disaster fatalities, the work safety watchdog said on Friday.

2. The latest fatalities come on top of the official death toll of 14 announced by the provincial authorities on Saturday.

3. The ministry urged that local medical institutes report fatalities in a more direct, timely and concise manner and instructed health authorities to improve staff training.

4. More than 61 percent of this year's fatalities involved accidents and 39 percent resulted from criminal acts.

5. He added that personnel whose criminal activities regarding food safety have caused serious consequences or fatalities may face a life sentence or even death penalty.

6. The region was jolted by another powerful earthquake Thursday morning, causing damage but no reported fatalities.

7. These observers say that if the death rate is calculated on the basis of percentage, then South Korea would lead the world in road accidents and fatalities.

8. They found that police statistics showed a 27 percent decrease in traffic fatalities, while those recorded on death certificates increased by 8 percent.

9. The project aims to reduce the number of small coal mines and thus decrease the number of coal mine fatalities.

10. Though coal mines across China have been widely considered the most dangerous in the world, the number of coal mine accidents and fatalities caused therein has been decreasing.

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