
feel ill是什么意思 feel ill在线翻译 feel ill什么意思 feel ill的意思 feel ill的翻译 feel ill的解释 feel ill的发音 feel ill的同义词

feel ill

feel ill 双语例句

1. I think they feel that these people are mentally ill.

2. He`s so aggressive I always feel ill-at-ease in his company.

3. Some persons cannot bear to touch grey paper, or they become ill; others shiver in every limb if one rub a pane of glass with a nail: I have just such a feeling on hearing you say thou to me; I feel myself as if pressed to the earth in my first situation with you.

4. To my dying day I shall feel that he has been ill-used.

5. feel ill

5. Make sb. feel ill.

6. feel ill

6. Until you baby life was good to me but you just made it better i love the way you stand by me throught any kind of weather i dont wanna run away just wanna make your day when you fell the world is on your shoulders dont wanna make it worse just wanna make us work baby tell me i will do whatever it feels like nobody ever knew me until you knew me feels like nobody ever loved me until you loved me feels like nobody ever touched me until you touched me baby nobody, nobody, until you baby it just took one hit of you now i; m addicted you never know what; s missing till you get everything you need, yeah i don; t wanna run away just wanna make your day when you feel the world is on your shoulders i dont wanna make it worse just wanna make us work baby tell me, ill do whatever it feels like nobody ever knew me until you knw me feels like nobody ever loved me until you loved me feels like nobody ever touched me until you touched me baby, nobody, nobody until you see it was enough to no if i ever let you go i would be no one cos i never thought i; d feel all the things you made me feel wasn; t looking for someone until you nobody, nobody, until you
    直到你 婴儿的生活,她对我很好但你只是使它变得更好我爱的方式,你站在我旁边通过任何一种天气我没有想要逃跑只是想让你的一天当你的世界是你的肩膀吗别想让它变得更糟只是想让我们的工作宝贝,告诉我,我就做什麽感觉好像没人知道我,直到你知道我感觉就像没人爱我,直到你爱我感觉就像没人摸我,直到你感动我没有,没有孩子,直到你它只是把一个孩子,你现在的我,m上瘾你永远都不会知道,失踪直到你得到你所需要的一切,是的我根本不想跑只是想让你的一天当你感觉这世界是在你的肩上我没有想要使它变得更糟只是想让我们的工作宝贝,告诉我,我会做什么感觉好像没人知道我,直到你赛前我感觉就像没人爱我,直到你爱我感觉就像没人摸我,直到你感动我宝贝,没有人,没有人直到你看到这就足够了如果我永远不会让你走我将会没有人因为我从来没想过我,我的感觉所有的东西,你让我感觉没有人,直到你寻找的没人,直到你

7. When I contemplate the accumulation of guilt and remorse which, like a garbage-can, I carry through life, and which is fed not only by the lightest action but by the most harnless pleasure, I feel Man to be of all living things the most biologically incompetent all ill-organized.
    良心 日积月累的内疚和悔恨,不仅来源与芝麻小事,也来源与无伤大雅的乐趣。它们就像垃圾桶,我一生却都是带着它们,一想到这里,我就感到万物之中就属于人类最软弱、最天生不良。

8. I feel quite ill at ease at the party last night because I didn't know anyone there.

9. feel ill的翻译

9. I always feel ill at ease at a party.

10. feel ill的反义词

10. He began to feel ill at ease.

11. I feel ill at ease with those people.

12. I always feel ill at ease in a strange environment.

13. feel ill

13. Everyone may get ill, and they will feel so afflictive when they get ill.

14. We feel sympathy for a person who is ill.

15. Core Tip: Xuzhou, a juvenile under 18 years of age just after the death of his father, due to long-term mentally ill mother, let him feel that it is a cumbersome, in order to get rid of this burden, he even cruel to use ropes and wires to her own mother alive...

16. I feel ill, I have to see a doctor.

17. If you do feel ill, we'll go home.
      如果你 真的觉得不舒服,我们就回家。

18. If you feel ill, just tell me.

19. feel ill是什么意思

19. How do you feel now I feel ill.

20. You should go to the doctor if you feel ill.

feel ill 单语例句

1. The spokesman also reiterated that the WHO is not recommending travel restrictions, but it is considered prudent for people who feel ill to delay any travels.

2. TOKYO - Watching the Hollywood film " Babel " could make viewers feel ill, its Japanese distributor said in national newspaper advertisements published on Wednesday.

3. Li began to feel ill as he posed for bridal photos with his girlfriend at a studio on May 25 and 26.

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