
fencing是什么意思 fencing在线翻译 fencing什么意思 fencing的意思 fencing的翻译 fencing的解释 fencing的发音 fencing的同义词 fencing的反义词

fencing [ˈfensɪŋ]  [ˈfɛnsɪŋ] 


fencing 基本解释

名词剑术; 围墙; 筑栅栏的材料

动词击剑( fence的现在分词); 围以栅栏

fencing 情景对话

Study abroad-(留学)

A:What are you going to do for your year abroad, Tim?

B:Study study study! I want to learn a lot.

A:You’re going to take courses?

B:Yes, I’m going to take some university courses there.

A:Sounds hard.

B:Yes, but I think it’s probably for the best.

A:Won’t you get lonely?


B:Hey, I’m a pretty cool guy; I’ll make friends. And I’ll have a lot of extra-curricular activities too. You know, like fencing or theater or something.

fencing 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 击剑:[击剑简介] 击剑(Fencing)是体育运动项目之一. 运动员穿戴击剑服装和护具在击剑场上以一手持剑互相刺击被先击中身体有效部位的一方为被击中一剑. 有多种进攻技术和防守技术并在规则许可的范围内运用各种战术取胜.

2. fencing的意思

2. 剑术:击剑术(Fencing) 需求:匕首(daggers)或轻型剑(light swords) 击剑者(fencer)都是使用轻型剑或匕首的. 这比起舞动一般的剑来说可要轻巧灵活多了!而且这也是个受上流人士尊敬的职业! 由於武器重量轻且能有效的对付重武装的敌人,

3. fencing的反义词

3. 剑:[知识在线提供]击剑(fencing) 两人持剑以劈刺动作进行攻防格斗的一项体育运动,包括花剑、重剑、佩剑3个剑种.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

4. 刺枪术:等练到30.1时换一种武器练习,武器可去铁匠处买,钱会自动从银行划帐(购买技能时一定要有现金),匕首可练习刺枪术(FENCING). 等到你所有的战斗技能都超过30时,你的三围将达到令人羡慕的程度,STR(力量)>80,DEX(敏捷)>80,INT(智慧)>50,

fencing 词典解释

1. 击剑运动
    Fencing is a sport in which two competitors fight each other using very thin swords. The ends of the swords are covered and the competitors wear protective clothes, so that they do not hurt each other.

2. 筑栅栏的材料
    Materials such as wood or wire that are used to make fences are called fencing .

    e.g. ...old wooden fencing.

fencing 单语例句

1. " Fencing is a gentleman's game and I want my son to be a gentleman, " Wang's mother Yang Ning said.

2. Some fencing enthusiasts believe its complete engagement of body and mind can even teach lessons that carry over into all aspects of life.

3. " We will look in the shorter term at having better fencing and possibly electrifying it, " an unnamed Commons source was quoted as telling the paper.

4. Britain has already introduced legislation that prohibits fencing in soccer stadiums following various crowd problems, some of which led to the deaths of fans.

5. The victims'relatives that visited the scene Monday left red roses dangling from temporary fencing and in a semicircle on the ground.

6. Crippled for life since birth, fencing has given Qin a life she had never imagined possible because of her disability.

7. Israel says the West Bank barrier of electronic fencing, trenches and walls is to keep suicide bombers out of the Jewish state.

8. Saturday's fencing competition was full of upsets as none of the 10 fencers ranked among the world top 32 made the men's individual epee final.

9. Fencing will be a reliable source for gold medals, as the Chinese have legitimate chances in the men's foil and women's epee events.

10. The first element is fencing, in which athletes are required to fence against every other athlete.


fencing 英英释义



1. the art or sport of fighting with swords (especially the use of foils or epees or sabres to score points under a set of rules)

2. a barrier that serves to enclose an area

    Synonym: fence

3. material for building fences

    Synonym: fencing material

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