
fiat是什么意思 fiat在线翻译 fiat什么意思 fiat的意思 fiat的翻译 fiat的解释 fiat的发音 fiat的同义词 fiat的反义词 fiat的例句 fiat的相关词组

fiat [ˈfi:æt]  [ˈfiət, -ˌæt, -ˌɑt, ˈfaɪˌæt, -ət] 


fiat 基本解释

名词命令,许可; 菲亚特汽车(意大利品牌)

fiat 网络解释

1. 命令:如果一个人认为只是命令(fiat)的一种,理性在其法律世界里没有意义或没有地位,那么他就不会乐意加入我所设想的这类标准之探索. 简言之,我必须预计到,如果有人认为司法过程没有为富勒教授如此精当地探讨的矛盾留下任何空间,

2. fiat的解释

2. 意大利 菲亚特:如意大利菲亚 特(Fiat)公司将一种75W/90的合成油和一种80W/90的矿物 油,在6辆Fiat131型汽车和6辆Ritmo-65型汽车上进行行车 试验,每辆车累积行程25000-43000km,结果证明,使用合 成油较使用矿物齿轮油可节约燃料3.48-4.53%.

3. 第五节 菲亚特:是辅助约束系统(SRS)中起缓冲作用的一种装置.SRS是英文Supplemental Restraint System的缩写,它是汽车安全带的辅助装置,只有在使用安全带的前提下SRS才能充分发挥......) 第三节 宝马(BMW) 第四节 雪铁龙(Citroen) 第五节 菲亚特(Fiat) 第六节 兰西亚L

4. fiat:fbrica italiana di automobili torino; 飞霞德公司

5. fiat:fix all the time; 永远修理

6. fiat:fix it all the time; 永远修理(菲亚特

fiat 词典解释

1. 命令;指令
    If something is done by fiat, it is done because of an official order given by someone in authority.


    e.g. He has tried to impose solutions to the country's problems by fiat.

fiat 单语例句

1. Fiat said it is evaluating the possible spinoff of its auto business to form the core of the new company.

2. Marchionne didn't give financial details about Fiat's offer of assets rather than cash.

3. Fiat SpA CEO Sergio Marchionne said his company's takeover offer for General Motors Corp's Opel unit will include assets that are " better than cash ".

4. A judge heard three days of testimony and arguments last week over the sale of most of Chrysler's assets to Italian carmaker Fiat SpA.

5. One possible bankruptcy scenario being discussed would have Chrysler's " good " assets sold off to Fiat, a person familiar with the discussions said on Monday.

6. Engine director Paolo Martinelli moves to parent Fiat and is replaced by Frenchman Gilles Simon, his close assistant.

7. Fiat can abandon the deal if it does not close by June 15.

8. Nanjing Auto has a profitable but small joint venture with Fiat's truck unit Iveco, producing light commercial vehicles.

9. Chrysler's operation would be funded for 30 days as it works to complete an alliance with Italy's Fiat SpA.

10. The company has asked a bankruptcy judge to approve the sale of all its assets to a new Chrysler controlled by Italy's Fiat Group SpA.

fiat 英英释义


1. a legally binding command or decision entered on the court record (as if issued by a court or judge)

    e.g. a friend in New Mexico said that the order caused no trouble out there

    Synonym: decreeedictorderrescript

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