
fibre是什么意思 fibre在线翻译 fibre什么意思 fibre的意思 fibre的翻译 fibre的解释 fibre的发音 fibre的同义词 fibre的反义词 fibre的例句

fibre [ˈfaɪbə(r)]  [ˈfaɪbɚ] 


fibre 基本解释

名词纤维; 性格; 硬纸板纤维板

fibre 网络解释

1. 纤维:--纤维(fibre)过滤器--微孔(pore)过滤器:如膜过滤器,此类过滤器通常为绝对过滤器,常用在过滤器微生物上. --表面(surface)过滤器:如滤芯为过滤纸或过滤布的过滤器,此类过滤器过滤效率不稳定,因为滤材的空隙直径较大,

2. 纤维素:相比于以前的饮食习惯,进食量没有大幅减少,但却能减少一定的能量摄取量. 正餐之间如果可以加入水果作小食(snack)则更理想,纤维素(fibre)摄取量可以增加,亦可以减少进食高脂肪或高糖份的零食,而且能满足饱腹感.

3. fibre

3. 纤维;硬化纸板:Fiber 纤维→fibre | Fibre 纤维;硬化纸板 | Fibre gear 夹布胶木齿轮

4. 纤维灰:785 SAFFRON HTR 藏黄 | 790 fibre 纤维灰 | 800 DK grape 深紫色

fibre 词典解释

in AM, use 美国英语用 fiber

1. (尤指制织物或绳索的天然或人造)纤维,丝
    A fibre is a thin thread of a natural or artificial substance, especially one that is used to make cloth or rope.

    e.g. If you look at the paper under a microscope, you will see the fibres.
    e.g. ...a variety of coloured fibres.

2. 织物;纤维制品
    A particular fibre is a type of cloth or other material that is made from or consists of threads.


    e.g. The ball is made of rattan — a natural fibre.

3. (植物或种子中的)纤维,食物纤维
    Fibre consists of the parts of plants or seeds that your body cannot digest. Fibre is useful because it makes food pass quickly through your body.

    e.g. Most vegetables contain fibre.

4. (神经或肌肉)纤维
    A fibre is a thin piece of flesh like a thread which connects nerve cells in your body or which muscles are made of.


    e.g. ...the nerve fibres.

5. 深切地;全身心地
    If you say that you feel something with every fibre of your being, you mean that you feel it very deeply.

    e.g. I wanted to be an actress with every fibre of my being.

fibre 单语例句

1. Felipe will be thankful that carbon fibre helmets were recently made mandatory by the FIA for the sport's higher echelons.

2. Cashmere is known as " soft gold " or " the diamond of fibre, " due to its rarity and incomparable quality.

3. The chemical fibre maker posted a net loss for 2002 and investors expect another poor showing when it unveils interim results August 28.

4. But coarse grain, beans and vegetables contain a high amount of fibre and are also good.

5. Li recommends coarse grain, which contains a high amount of fibre.

6. With a special fibre that is strong and breathes well, bamboo has long been favored as a construction material.

7. " China has great potential in the spandex fibre market, " said Nissen.

8. They have the ability to go from macro overview to micro detail literally at the speed of light on CEInet's fibre optic network.

9. The animals eat bamboo and specially made fibre cookies, which are prepared by feeders with the help of professional Ocean Park staff.

10. In tropical areas, palm fibre is among the commonest and most versatile plant products used by local people.

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