
fillet是什么意思 fillet在线翻译 fillet什么意思 fillet的意思 fillet的翻译 fillet的解释 fillet的发音 fillet的同义词 fillet的反义词 fillet的例句

fillet [ˈfɪlɪt]  [fɪˈleɪ] 


fillet 基本解释

名词肉片,鱼片; 头带,带状物; [建]平缘,木摺; [纹章学] 筋鞘

及物动词用带缚或装饰; 把(鱼、肉)切成片

fillet 相关例句


1. fillet在线翻译

1. Please fillet it for me.

fillet 网络解释

1. fillet的解释

1. 给对象的边加圆角:其他对象的显示顺序(DRAWORDER)EL ---- 创建椭圆或椭圆弧(ELLIPSE)E ---- 从图形中删除对象(ERASE)X ---- 将组合对象分解为对象组件(EXPLODE)EX ---- 延伸对象到另一对象(EXTEND)F ---- 给对象的边加圆角(FILLET)HE ---- 修

2. 倒圆角:6-4 多边形指令(POLYGON)介绍6-5 绘制点指令(POINT)介绍6-7 修剪(TRIM)指令介绍6-8 聚合线(PLINE)指令介绍6-9 画建构线(XLINE)指令介绍6-10 射线(RAY)指令介绍6-11 修倒角(CHAMFER)指令介绍6-12 倒圆角(FILLET)指令介绍6-13

3. 填角:填锡处的内圆填角 (fillet) 出现锯齿变化,或是出现破洞的空洞2. 正常的焊点或焊面,其已固化的锡面都应呈现光泽平滑的的外观. 所谓缩锡 (dewetting) 是指焊点或焊面呈高低不平、多处下陷,或焊锡面之支离破碎甚至暴露底金属,

fillet 词典解释

1. (尤指牛肉)无骨肉片
    Fillet is a strip of meat, especially beef, that has no bones in it.

    e.g. ...fillet of beef with shallots.
    e.g. ...chicken breast fillets.

2. 去骨鱼片
    A fillet of fish is the side of a fish with the bones removed.

    e.g. ...anchovy fillets...
    e.g. I ordered a fine fillet of salmon.

3. 剔除(鱼或肉)的骨头
    When you fillet fish or meat, you prepare it by taking the bones out.

    e.g. Don't be afraid to ask your fishmonger to fillet flat fish.

fillet 单语例句

1. The beef cheek was very soft, while the beef fillet was a quality piece of meat.

2. The dishes were both full of flavor, although the beef fillet had a part that was a bit too hard to chew.

3. Served with mixed vegetables and lemon rice, the crispy snapper skin masked the firm and luscious fillet.

4. Cut up the pork fillet into slightly larger cubes about 1 cm square.

5. The fillet would be cut against the grain of the meat to maximize its tender goodness.

6. But if you are catering for a much smaller group, ask for a large piece of fillet nearer the head end.

7. " We had frog legs and fillet mignon, " he remembers.

8. So don't be surprise to see the Chinese ingredient of bamboo shoots incorporated into the traditional French dish of roasted turbot fillet.

9. There will also be pigeon cooked two ways, with roasted breast fillet and mashed pigeon liver.

10. The restaurant's sandwiches seem to follow the same theme, with pork fillet and pineapple combinations going for 54 yuan.

fillet 英英释义


1. fastener consisting of a narrow strip of welded metal used to join steel members

    Synonym: stopping

2. a narrow headband or strip of ribbon worn as a headband

    Synonym: taeniatenia

3. a bundle of sensory nerve fibers going to the thalamus

    Synonym: lemniscus

4. a longitudinal slice or boned side of a fish

    Synonym: filetfish filletfish filet

5. a boneless steak cut from the tenderloin of beef

    Synonym: filet


1. cut into filets

    e.g. filet the fish

    Synonym: filet

2. decorate with a lace of geometric designs

    Synonym: filet

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