
fils是什么意思 fils在线翻译 fils什么意思 fils的意思 fils的翻译 fils的解释 fils的发音 fils的同义词 fils的反义词 fils的例句 fils的相关词组

fils [fi:s]  [fis] 


fils 基本解释


fils 网络解释

1. 儿子:fille 女儿 | fils 儿子 | enfants孩子

2. fils

2. 小辈,儿子:hunks守财奴,性情怪癖的人 | fils小辈,儿子 | teens 青少年

3. fils的翻译

3. (产地:法国勃艮第):2001-03 Yellow Tail, Shi-raz, Australia(产地... | 2003 Clarendon Hills As-tralis, Shiraz, Mclaren Vale Australia(产地:... | 1994, 2003 Bouchard Pere & Fils, Pouilly Fusse, Burgundy France(产地:法国勃艮第)

fils 双语例句

1. Ricesack, Flour sack, Cement sack, Fertilizer sack, Cotton yarn sack, Feed sack, Chemicalindustry sack, Vegetable sack, OPP Color printing bag, Color bag, Weaves reticule, Plastic intertexture cloth, Post bag, PP Beach fils lup, Rubbish sack, Express delivery sack wait for series product, Product extensive uses cement, Chemi
    主要分为各种规格的大米包装袋、面粉包装袋、水泥包装袋、肥料包装袋、棉纱包装袋、饲料包装袋、化工包装袋、蔬菜包装袋、OPP 彩印袋、颜色袋、编织手提袋、塑料编织布、邮政袋、PP 沙滩垫,垃圾包装袋、快件包装袋等系列产品,产品广泛用水泥、化肥、大米、饲料、棉花、化工原料及其它包装。

2. The basic unit of money in Iraq; equal to 1, 000 fils.

3. The basic unit of money in Jordan; equal to 1, 000 fils.

4. And, it supported convert text to wave/mp3/swf fils.

5. However, lacking real bite and criticism, and mostly rehashing facts that are known about Bush fils` earlier life.

6. fils的反义词

6. Your sweet fragrance fils the air around me

7. You have no sentimental nonsense, no silly infatuation, borrowed from Balzac, or Dumas fils, to fear from me.

8. fils

8. For the ferocious iPad, Nintendo of America president Ruijie Fu Aimi (Reggie Fils-Aime) does not care, he thought the iPad will not impact the game world, in comparing the two companies...
    对于来势凶猛的iPad,任天堂美国总裁瑞杰弗艾米(Reggie Fils-Aime)毫不在意,他认为iPad不会在游戏界产生影响,在比较两家公司。。。

9. fils

9. This cocktail originally called for absinthe, not Pernod fils, and was created by famous barman, Harry johnson.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. Palazzi sent me a small sample of Paul-Marie et Fils " devant la porte " Grande Champagne Cognac, which I took my time about opening, but finally broke down.

11. 911查询·英语单词

11. His uncle introduced him into literary circles and he started to published plays under the influence of such writers as Victor Hugo and Alexandre Dumas (fils).

12. " The Lady of the Camellias " is a novel and drama created by the French writer and playwright Alexandre Dumas (Fils) in the nineteenth century, based on which the Italian opera composer Giuseppe Verdi wrote his work with the name " La Traviata ".

13. As it was, Fig-tree Court was a pleasant hermitage in its way, and for breviaries and Books of Hours, I am ashamed to say the young barrister substituted Paul de Kock and Dumas, fils.

14. fils什么意思

14. Mon fils, soldier of france.

15. Pressure distribution law in man-made concrete bottom post under loading of fils

16. " The Lady of the Camellias " is a novel and drama created by the French writer and playwright Alexandre Dumas (Fils) in the nineteenth century, based on which the Italian opera composer Giuseppe Verdi wrote his work with the name " La Traviata ".

fils 单语例句

1. The original version is from Dumas Fils'famous novel Lady of the Camellias, and consists of three acts.

2. The original version of the story is from Dumas Fils'famous novel Lady of the Camellias.

fils 英英释义



1. a fractional monetary unit in Bahrain and Iraq and Jordan and Kuwait
    equal to one thousandth of a dinar

2. 100 Yemeni fils are worth one Yemeni rial

    Synonym: Yemeni fils

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