
finalize是什么意思 finalize在线翻译 finalize什么意思 finalize的意思 finalize的翻译 finalize的解释 finalize的发音 finalize的同义词

finalize [ˈfaɪnəlaɪz]  [ˈfaɪnəˌlaɪz] 


finalize 基本解释

及物动词完成; 使结束; 使落实

不及物动词定案; 把…最后定下来

finalize 相关例句


1. finalize的翻译

1. Let us finalize tonight.

finalize 情景对话


A:Now that we’re about to own a house, I think we should get it covered.

B:Yes, I talked with an insurance saleswoman about it yesterday.

A:You did?


B:Sure. She said that once we finalize the sale, we just need to make an appointment with her.


A:How long will it take to get covered?


B:I believe the insurance policy will kick in immediately.

A:That’s great. Did you pick up any brochures.

B:Not yet.

A:Maybe we could start reading up on the different policies now. I heard that many of the homes that were damaged during Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans weren’t covered.

B:You’re kidding! Did they have some home insurance or did home insurance just not cover floods?


A:Most of the policies didn’t cover floods.

B:I guess we should make sure to read the fine print very carefully. Shall we go there now?


A:Why not? I have nothing better to do.

finalize 网络解释

1. 完成:filter 筛选器 | finalize 完成 | Find what 查找内容

2. 把(计划,稿件等)最后定下来, 定案:internal auditing 内部稽核 | finalize 把(计划,稿件等)最后定下来, 定案 | nitrating centrifuge 硝化离心机

3. finalize

3. 最终化:filters 滤波器 | finalize 最终化 | finalize CD 终结最终化光盘

4. 定妥:finality 结尾 | finalize 定妥 | finally 最后

finalize 词典解释

in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用finalise

1. (尤指经与他人讨论)最后确定,最终敲定
    If you finalize something such as a plan or an agreement, you complete the arrangements for it, especially by discussing it with other people.


    e.g. Negotiators from the three countries finalized the agreement in August...
           8 月里三国谈判人员最终敲定了协议。
    e.g. We are saying nothing until all the details have been finalised...

finalize 单语例句

1. Bush worked to finalize his nomination over the weekend at the Camp David presidential retreat in Maryland before returning to Washington on Sunday afternoon.

2. He also said the CNS would finalize its decision this week whether to issue a white paper on the domestic political situation.

3. The National Electoral Commission meets on Sunday to finalize the schedule and appoint an election committee.

4. A Yemeni delegate told Reuters the ministers will finalize a OIC resolution on the Palestinian conflict.

5. A global bidding process will begin in late October to finalize the construction design.

6. The China Securities Regulatory Commission will finalize the date of hearing soon.

7. UBS AG signed an agency contract several days ago with Shenyin & Wanguo Securities Co to finalize its preparatory process to enter the domestic market.

8. He said the core task for the Doha conference is to finalize the necessary documentation of the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol.

9. BOCOG will finalize the recruitment drive by the end of May 2008.

10. Three other teams will advance to a qualifying event a year from now that will finalize the roster for the gold medal showdown in China.


finalize 英英释义



1. make final
    put the last touches on
    put into final form

    e.g. let's finalize the proposal

    Synonym: finalisesettlenail down

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