
first class是什么意思 first class在线翻译 first class什么意思 first class的意思 first class的翻译 first class的解释 first class的发音

first class [fə:st klɑ:s]  [fɚst klæs] 

first class 基本解释

名词头等舱; 第一堂课; 头路

first class 情景对话

At the post office-(去邮局)

first class的反义词

A:I want to send this package by first class mail.

B:Do you want it insured?

first class什么意思

A:Yes, for fifty dollars, please. I'd also like some stamps-a book of twenty two and three airmail's.

first class在线翻译

B:You'll have to get those at the stamp window over there, next to general delivery.

first class的意思

A:Can I get money orders there, too?

B:No, that's to the left, three windows down the hall.

first class 网络解释

1. 头等:西方饭店还存在服务内容的细分维度,例如完全服务产品(Full Service),有限服务产品(Limited Service),B&B(Bed and Breakfast)等;价格细分维度比我国星级标准的五级分类要复杂的多,有豪华等(Luxury Class)、头等(First Class)、中等(Middle Class,

2. 一等舱:另一典型的例子是航空公司对机舱等级的美化,一等舱(firstclass)改称豪华舱(deluxeclass),二等舱(secondclass)就升格成了一等舱(firstclass),三等舱另一典型的例子是航空公司对机舱等级的美化,一等舱(first class)改称豪华舱(deluxe class),

3. first class的意思

3. 第一类:这个表达式可以取得协议格式(type)和host地址,然后Url()中将分析整个Url,并返回在对象五、命名空间(namespace)子系统里,命名空间是类型,而且是第一类(first class)的.

first class 单语例句

1. The regiment has been cited as " first class military training unit " by the air force of the Shenyang Military Area Command for four consecutive years.

2. The boy went to a hobby class by himself for the first time on Tuesday.

3. Calamity of such a large scale is unique in human history, and the subsequent and rehabilitation operation can only be ranked first class.

4. The carrier is offering the luxury service to its VIP travelers, including first and business class passengers and its Pearl Club's gold card owners.

5. The report gave out a string of overpriced items including sink tops, water valves and chairs in the first class carriage.

6. Her mom graduated first in her class from university with a degree in chemical engineering.

7. Wang has received two First Class merit citations, one Second Class merit citation and one Third Class merit citation.

8. This program is an excellent program for cross cultural exchanges that features many first class foreign professors.

9. The theater became the first choice of all world class orchestras and companies touring Beijing.

10. Japanese lawyers arrive in Qiqihar for the first time to gather evidence for the class action.

first class 英英释义

first class的近义词


1. the most expensive accommodations on a ship or train or plane

2. the highest rank in a classification

3. mail that includes letters and postcards and packages sealed against inspection

    Synonym: 1st classfirst-class mail1st-class mail

first class的反义词


1. by first class conveyance
    with first class accommodations

    e.g. we always travel first class

first class是什么意思,first class在线翻译,first class什么意思,first class的意思,first class的翻译,first class的解释,first class的发音,first class的同义词,first class的反义词,first class的例句,first class的相关词组,first class意思是什么,first class怎么翻译,单词first class是什么意思
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