
first floor是什么意思 first floor在线翻译 first floor什么意思 first floor的意思 first floor的翻译 first floor的解释 first floor的发音

first floor [fə:st flɔ:]  [fɚst flɔr] 

第三人称复数:first floors

first floor 基本解释


first floor 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 一楼:电力线入口处安装有过流保护器,MB(主配电板)在底层(ground floor),一楼(first floor)有分配电板SB. 建筑物地线电阻为50Ω,供电系统接地方式为TT,室内有洗衣机、计算机、报警器、录像机和TV等. 经风险分析后认为,该建筑物处于高雷闪频度地区,

2. first floor

2. 二楼:底楼(Ground Floor)的专柜哪一种瘦身药效验好 是卖手提包、腕表以及装饰品的,二楼(First Floor)的是糊口体式格局专柜,主如果卖女装、女鞋以及太阳镜等,还能买到LV出品的浴袍!

3. (英)二楼,(美)一楼:night table 床头柜 | first floor (英)二楼,(美)一楼 | folding screen 屏风

4. 第二层:ground floor 第一层 | first floor 第二层 | stairs 楼梯

first floor 单语例句

first floor的反义词

1. The first floor of the building serves as a canteen and can accommodate about 40 diners at one time.

2. There is a wine cellar on the first floor where people can sit and sample the wines before a bottle is opened.

3. The blast occurred on the first floor of " Heyuan " dining hall, at the center of Tsinghua campus.

4. That means residents of the first floor will not be eligible to change their apartments into restaurants or beauty saloons unless all their neighbours agree.

5. The teams get back on the floor on Sunday in game five with the Lakers hoping to clinch their first title since 2002.

6. The Coffee Mill of Jamaica on the Pudong hotel's ground floor is said to be the first company from the Caribbean to operate locally.

7. An elderly woman living in the top floor of an adjacent building smelt the smoke first and saw parts of the scaffolding falling in flames.

8. He said Chinese investors usually bought one or two apartments at first, but then the profits inspired them to collectively purchase a whole floor or building.

9. The rooms on the first floor are stocked with sofas, chairs and traditional wooden kang beds swathed in colorful blankets and heaped with comfy pillows.

10. The official cooperating media work area is also located on the first floor, and 20 domestic and foreign medias will be reporting on the Universiade here.

first floor 英英释义


1. the floor of a building that is at or nearest to the level of the ground around the building

    Synonym: ground floorground level

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