
fiscal year是什么意思 fiscal year在线翻译 fiscal year什么意思 fiscal year的意思 fiscal year的翻译 fiscal year的解释 fiscal year的发音

fiscal year [ˈfiskəl jə:]  [ˈfɪskəl jɪr] 

第三人称复数:fiscal years
fiscal year的意思

fiscal year 基本解释


fiscal year 网络解释

1. 财政年度:对个体生意来说,财政年度(fiscal year)通常就是自然年度,GST的报税年度通常也就是自然年度. 对有限公司来说,财政年度可以结束于任何一个月. 有限公司的GST年度有两个选择,有限公司可以使用财政年度或者自然年度作为GST的报税年度.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 会计年度:国防部长罗伯E盖茨(Robert Gates)和空军参谋长诺顿E史瓦兹(Norton Schwartz)上将对JSF专案都表达高度的自信,盖茨反覆强调JSF计画「将在中国研制出下一代战机之前,空军装备1000架F-22和F-35」,2010会计年度(Fiscal Year)飞行测试将花费5亿

3. 财务年度:是指公司负责人在财务年度(fiscal year)期中,而该年度公司的总利润尚未确定之前,通常是一季,所宣布发放的股利定义:证券市场价格跌落至某一特定值,股票经纪人所能安全卖出而即使有亏损也能涵盖(covering)其投资持有量(position)47.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. 财政年:国务院签证办公室(Department of State Visa Office)的查尔斯.奥本海姆先生对在新财政年(fiscal year)到来之前及未来几年的排期动向作了预估--情况很不乐观:对于EB-2高学历人才或特殊能力专业人士而言,

5. fiscal year:fy; 会计年度

fiscal year 词典解释

1. 同financial year
    The fiscal year is the same as the financial year .


    e.g. ...the budget for the coming fiscal year.

fiscal year 单语例句

1. National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013, which contains controversial sections related to the Diaoyu Islands and arms sales to Taiwan.

2. The responses came after US President Barack Obama signed on Thursday the National Defense Authorization Act of the 2013 fiscal year.

3. Standard Chartered Bank maintains that the worst fiscal time is yet to come, and it is likely to arrive during the first and second quarters of next year.

4. The United States will see declining government spending and surging tax burdens in what is called a fiscal cliff early next year.

5. The software maker also said Thursday that sales of the game console fell short of expectations for the fiscal year that just ended.

6. Fiscal income has been on a continual rise since 1994 and the annual growth rate is also higher each year.

7. Mazda Motor Corp sank to a loss for the fiscal year ended March, sharing the fate of other Japanese automakers battered by the global slump and strong yen.

8. It was also a critical part of China's implementation of proactive fiscal policies this year, he said.

9. The government said on Tuesday that Japan will expand funds for currency intervention in its fourth supplementary budget for the current fiscal year.

10. The broad omnibus spending bill expected to be approved by Congress eliminated money for the Reliable Replacement Warhead for the current fiscal year.

fiscal year 英英释义



1. any accounting period of 12 months

    Synonym: financial year

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