
flamboyant是什么意思 flamboyant在线翻译 flamboyant什么意思 flamboyant的意思 flamboyant的翻译 flamboyant的解释 flamboyant的发音 flamboyant的同义词

flamboyant [flæmˈbɔɪənt]  [flæmˈbɔɪənt] 

flamboyant 基本解释

形容词艳丽的; 火焰似的; 过分华丽的

名词凤凰木; 火焰色红花

flamboyant 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 辉耀的:flamboyancy 火焰状 | flamboyant 辉耀的 | flamboyantism 过份华丽的格调

2. 华丽的:finale 最后一场 | flamboyant 华丽的 | guffaw 狂笑

3. flamboyant在线翻译

3. 火焰似的:flamboyancy 火焰状 | flamboyant 火焰似的 | flamboyantincandescent 辉耀的

4. 辉耀的, 华丽的, 火焰似的, 艳丽的:pitman socket 连杆窝形夹板 | flamboyant 辉耀的, 华丽的, 火焰似的, 艳丽的 | repass 再经过, 再通过

flamboyant 词典解释

1. 引人注目的;炫耀的;时髦的
    If you say that someone or something is flamboyant, you mean that they are very noticeable, stylish, and exciting.

    e.g. Freddie Mercury was a flamboyant star of the British hard rock scene.
    e.g. ...his lightning speed and flamboyant, aggressive style of play...

Campese was his usual mixture of flamboyance and flair.
She dressed flamboyantly so that everyone would remember her.

flamboyant 单语例句

1. He said his restaurant menu includes burgers with red, yellow and green colored buns and fries - colors associated with his flamboyant son.

2. The appointment of the widely respected former European Commissioner to replace flamboyant media magnate Silvio Berlusconi has brought relief in euro zone capitals.

3. Although she was clearly upset, the flamboyant pop star continued her dramatic concert which has an enormous stage production.

4. The normally outspoken Dean appeared to be trying to shift his role from flamboyant presidential candidate to cautious party chairman.

5. But acting as the great bullfighter means Adrien has to deck himself out in flamboyant costumes like this.

6. He also made sure his product was kept in people's faces, drawing on marketing expertise garnered from a flamboyant career of ups and downs.

7. But the flamboyant foursome is in the enviable position of not having to worry about either album or ticket sales in the recessionary environment.

8. " She's not a flamboyant character and never has been, " Davies said.

9. Lady Gaga revealed her first perfume on Wednesday - but it's not going to smell like blood and semen as the flamboyant singer once hoped.

10. Entrepreneurs who made their fortune by producing ordinary items for everyday life are becoming more flamboyant in how they spend their wealth.


flamboyant 英英释义



1. showy tropical tree or shrub native to Madagascar
    widely planted in tropical regions for its immense racemes of scarlet and orange flowers
    sometimes placed in genus Poinciana

    Synonym: royal poincianaflame treepeacock flowerDelonix regiaPoinciana regia



1. elaborately or excessively ornamented

    e.g. flamboyant handwriting
           the senator's florid speech

    Synonym: aureateflorid

2. marked by ostentation but often tasteless

    e.g. a cheap showy rhinestone bracelet
           a splashy half-page ad

    Synonym: showysplashy

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