
flank是什么意思 flank在线翻译 flank什么意思 flank的意思 flank的翻译 flank的解释 flank的发音 flank的同义词 flank的反义词 flank的例句

flank [flæŋk]  [flæŋk] 


flank 基本解释

名词侧翼; 侧面; 侧腹; 侧边

及物动词位于…之侧面; 侧面有; 守侧面; 攻击侧面



flank 相关例句


1. A garage flanked the house.

2. They flanked the minefield and continued north.

3. The old fort flanked on a swamp.


1. The commander decided to attack the enemy on both flanks.

2. flank的解释

2. By the left flank, march!

flank 网络解释

1. flank

1. 翼:线型是最基本的阵形,各个单位按照武器射程远近排成紧密的线形,这种阵形遇到投石车、火炮等火力覆盖范围较大的单位时损失会加倍;所以笔者建议玩家多采用交错(staggered)型,或者更擅长夹击敌军的侧翼(flank)型;另外一种盒(box)型用于保护重要人物,

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 侧翼:比赛(race)的哥哥真优雅垃圾(litter)前的哥哥放光辉雨前(rain)的哥哥拣谷粒绳前(rope)的哥哥在摸索b在lank前变空格(blank)f在lank前是侧翼(flank)p在lank前厚木板(plank)前面加C是曲柄(crank)前面加f真坦白(frank)前面加p才

3. 腰窝:关键词:适当的中等长度,胸廓微微鼓起,胸腔深,中等宽度,腰部有合适的宽度, 有发达的肌肉,轻微有些弓起,腰窝( Flank)要深. 错误的:腰窝浅 注释:身体的测量参考狗自身身体的高度. 标准中规定身体应该是中

4. 腹部:背痛和侧腹部(flank)疼痛29-14背痛和侧腹部(flank)疼痛的实用程序33-2视神经乳突(Papillanervioptici)评估

flank 词典解释

1. 胁;胁腹
    An animal's flank is its side, between the ribs and the hip.


    e.g. He put his hand on the dog's flank.

2. (军队的)侧翼,翼侧
    A flank of an army or navy force is one side of it when it is organized for battle.

    e.g. The assault element, led by Captain Ramirez, opened up from their right flank.

3. (大型物体的)侧面,一侧,一边
    The side of anything large can be referred to as its flank .

    e.g. They continued along the flank of the mountain.

4. 两侧有;(有时指)一侧有
    If something is flanked by things, it has them on both sides of it, or sometimes on one side of it.


    e.g. The altar was flanked by two Christmas trees...
    e.g. Bookcases flank the bed...

flank 单语例句

1. Cafu's robust run down the right flank took him to the byline and his delicate chipped cross was headed home by Kaka.

2. Henri Camara scampered down the right flank and his cross saw Sutton slide in to score via the post.

3. Nani charged down the left flank and crossed to the onrushing Rooney, who clipped the ball past Abbiati.

4. Erkin's tireless shuttling up and down the left flank has made him a vital cog in the Turkish machine.

5. Defender He Yang nearly added the second for the hosts on 73 minutes, but his curved header following Zheng Zhi's right flank freekick rattled the crossbar.

6. French forward Karim Benzema made a deft move in the area to escape from Maicon and sweep in Di Maria's right flank cross.

7. High on a desolate flank of Mount Fuji, two men suddenly appeared through the shifting mists.

8. The Heavenly Water and Earthly Pond will flank the north and south of the garden, with a rose pavilion between them.

9. If you cannot find any, buy a lean fillet or a flank cut.

10. Unlike Germany's SPD, the Socialists do not face a formidable challenge from their left flank.

flank 英英释义


1. the side between ribs and hipbone

2. a cut from the fleshy part of an animal's side between the ribs and the leg

3. the side of military or naval formation

    e.g. they attacked the enemy's right flank

    Synonym: wing

4. a subfigure consisting of a side of something


1. be located at the sides of something or somebody

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