
flat loan是什么意思 flat loan在线翻译 flat loan什么意思 flat loan的意思 flat loan的翻译 flat loan的解释 flat loan的发音 flat loan的同义词

flat loan [flæt ləun]  [flæt lon] 

flat loan 基本解释

flat loan的翻译


flat loan 网络解释

1. 平贷:flat list prices ==> 统一价格表 | flat loan ==> 平贷 | flat lock stitch ==> 平式锁缝针迹

flat loan 双语例句

1. Many who were caught flat-footed when these loans turned sour now assume that home-equity loan risk already is factored into bank stock prices, which have tumbled.

2. A: Sam, this is the Preliminary Sale and Purchase Agreement The selling price of the flat is four point two million HK dollars He would like to apply for a mortgage loan representing 70% of the purchase price

3. The paperwork details the interest rate Dad charges (a flat 5% every time), the length of the loan (each one stretches no longer than a year), the amount of each payment and the date each month when that payment is due.

4. flat loan的意思

4. I get a bill for my loan of my flat every month.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. The bank gives a flat loan to him.

6. flat loan的解释

6. Thirdly, by analyzing an example of how middle size enterprises finance, we conclude that middle and small size company can avoid credit admeasure by the innovation of credit system. At the same time, big banks can cut down transaction cost and gain comparable advantage by flat loan when they make a loan to middle and small companies.

7. A loan given flat to sb.

8. The flat repayment amount is usually determined before the commencement of the repayment programme. For example, interest charged on a RM10, 000 loan at a flat rate of 10% per annum is RM1, 000 annually until the loan is fully settled.
    这个固定的数额通常在开始供期前就会被确定,打个比方,RM10,000的贷款将被征收一致的10%年利率即RM 1,000.00一年直到该贷款完全地偿还清了。

9. Loan, Flat Rate 5%, Loan Tenure 3 years
    例子 借贷款,平息5%,分3年摊还

10. Credit: According to people close to PBoC, the central bank so far has not ordered any tightening on credit; only some large SOE banks orally required branches to stick strictly to the loan granting threshold for a more flat loan growth. 2 PBoC did require risk evaluation on off-balance business and loans to local govts.

11. The so-called real estate trusts, is that Trust Investment Corporation who make use of special financial flat to gather money from society and then invest capital to real estate project on the way of loan or stock in order to obtain profit from the project for clients.

12. Fund of rural society endowment insurance must hold to principle of special funds appropriative, any branches, unit and individual do not get flat regulation, divert, hold back; also must not use fund direct investment and short-term loan, guaranty assures.

13. 911查询·英语单词

13. Rather than charge by the hour to process mortgage and insurance applications, for example, he offered prospects flat fees based on achieving results & such as approval of a loan.

14. A friend told me this morning, with great excitement, that over the weekend he had received a bid for his flat that exceeded the outstanding amount of his mortgage loan.

flat loan 单语例句

1. But the flat loan demand has cut into the profit of many others.

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