
fly far and high是什么意思 fly far and high在线翻译 fly far and high什么意思 fly far and high的意思 fly far and high的翻译 fly far and high的解释

fly far and high

fly far and high 双语例句

1. fly far and high

1. Rocky Mountain High he was born in the summer of his 27th year comin'home to a place he'd never been before he left yesterday behind him, you might say he was born again you might say he found a key for every door when he first came to the mountains his life was far away on the road and hangin'by a song but the string's already broken and he doesn't really care it keeps changin'fast and it don't last for long but the colorado rocky mountain high i've seen it rainin'fire in the sky the shadow from the starlight is softer than a lullabye rocky mountain high rocky mountain high he climbed cathedral mountains, he saw silver clouds below he saw everything as far as you can see and they say that he got crazy once and he tried to touch the sun and he lost a friend but kept his memory now he walks in quiet solitude the forest and the streams seeking grace in every step he takes his sight has turned inside himself to try and understand the serenity of a clear blue mountain lake and the colorado rocky mountain high i've seen it rainin'fire in the sky you can talk to god and listen to the casual reply rocky mountain high rocky mountain high now his life is full of wonder but his heart still knows some fear of a simple thing he cannot comprehend why they try to tear the mountains down to bring in a couple more more people, more scars upon the land and the colorado rocky mountain high i've seen it rainin'fire in the sky i know he'd be a poorer man if he never saw an eagle fly rocky mountain high it's colorado rocky mountain high i've seen it rainin'fire in the sky friends around the campfire and everybody's high rocky mountain high rocky mountain high rocky mountain high rocky mountain high rocky mountain high rocky mountain high
    他出生在其27年夏季科明'在家对他从来没有发生之前他留下了昨天,你可能会说他是重生你可能会说他发现每个门的钥匙当他第一次来到山上他的生活远在道路和hangin的一首歌'但该字符串的已经破碎,他并不真正关心它保持鲍勃迪伦'快,而且没有持续很长时间但是,科罗拉多洛矶山高我见过rainin'天上火从星光阴影弱于一lullabye 落基山高洛矶山高他爬上教堂山,他看到下面的银云他看到的一切,只要您能看到他们说,他疯了一次,他试图接触太阳他失去了一个朋友,但保留他的记忆现在,他走在安静孤独的森林和溪流寻求采取的每一步,他的恩典他的视线已经转向自己内心了解一下在湛蓝的高山湖泊的宁静而科罗拉多州洛基山高我见过rainin'天上火你可以向上帝,并听取了临时答复落基山高洛矶山高现在他的生活充满了好奇,但他的心仍然知道有些人担心一个简单的事,他无法理解为什么他们试图下山撕裂,使更多的夫妇更多的人,在其土地的伤疤而科罗拉多州洛基山高我见过rainin'天上火我知道他是一个贫穷的人,如果他没有看到一个老鹰球飞洛矶山高这是科罗拉多洛矶山高我见过rainin'天上火围绕篝火的朋友和大家的高度落基山高洛矶山高落基山高洛矶山高德这样做约翰丹佛,音乐词由约翰丹佛和迈克泰勒

2. Hand! Loosens up, and a good one balloon fly high for miles in the air ringing off the hook, and ringing off the hook, and fly it well Takayoshi far gone, let her go, let go.

3. By the wizard, 魔道attack, certainly not serious as long as you die, the first medication, and then flash, far from taking off running, and full-blood full-liang skills, and then fly him back to high!

4. fly far and high的反义词

4. They could fly over the sea in ships, and mount the high hills which were far above the clouds; and the lands they possessed, their woods and their fields, stretched far away beyond the reach of her sight.

5. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

5. Eagles fly high and far.

fly far and high 单语例句

1. Professionals will advise on how to make a kite and how to fly one high and far.

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