
forestry是什么意思 forestry在线翻译 forestry什么意思 forestry的意思 forestry的翻译 forestry的解释 forestry的发音 forestry的同义词

forestry [ˈfɒrɪstri]  [ˈfɔ:rɪstri] 

forestry 基本解释

名词林业; 林学; 林地; 造林术

forestry 网络解释

1. 林业:所有的兽皮必须使用林业(Forestry)技能煮过,或者你可以从林中人(Forester)那里购买已经被煮过的兽皮. 如果你有时间和金钱,你可以向夏尔(Shire)山顶镇(Overhill Yards27.5,70.4W)的霍比特少年们订购兽皮. 他们会给你一些品质各异的兽皮.

2. 林学:林科研究生教育主要指与林业科学有关的研究生教育,在国外主要指在林学(Forestry)和林业工程(ForestEngineering)两大学科领域培养博士和硕士研究生.设置科学合理的课程体系是研究生教育过程中的重要环节.无论在国内还是在国外,

3. 业:这里的森林业(forest-trade),与现在的林业(forestry)不同. 林业,是以经济学、林学为理论基础和行为指导方针,只注重经济效益,一切以经济为中心. 而森林业则不同,森林业是以发展学、生态学、林学为理论基础和行为指导方针,

4. danci.911cha.com

4. 纽约州立大学环境科学与林业科学学院:82 Marquette University马凯特大学 | Forestry纽约州立大学环境科学与林业科学学院 | 85 North Carolina State University-Raleigh北卡罗来纳州立大学

forestry 词典解释

1. 林学;林业
    Forestry is the science or skill of growing and taking care of trees in forests, especially in order to obtain wood.

forestry 单语例句

1. The " king fir " has become a symbol of Xishui and has been designated by many forestry experts as a rare tree.

2. Ruzhou completed the forestation mission assigned by the Provincial Forestry Ministry by the end of April.

3. The State Forestry Bureau said last month it was activating a reporting network to detect outbreaks among wild birds.

4. The Chinese forestry official said more pandas raised in captivity will be released to increase the number now living in the wild.

5. The municipal forestry bureau has ensured that local orchards provide tourist services to cater for the needs of many tourists from Beijing and beyond.

6. Gardening and forestry experts are saving a dying ancient pine in north China's municipality of Tianjin with a therapy of traditional Chinese medicine.

7. Cliff diving replaced chauffeuring as Di's livelihood in 2002, when the Jingpo Lake park and forestry bureau hired him to stage regular performances.

8. The law also requires forestry authorities to keep wetlands from deteriorating by supplying sufficient water, prohibiting herding and closing some of the more fragile wetland areas.

9. China is set to promote a household contract system in the management of collective forestry land and ownership of wood nationwide.

10. The move aims to enhance competence in domestic forestry and agriculture, and to encourage seed breeders to play a greater role in the market.

forestry 英英释义


1. the science of planting and caring for forests and the management of growing timber

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