
franchises是什么意思 franchises在线翻译 franchises什么意思 franchises的意思 franchises的翻译 franchises的解释 franchises的发音 franchises的同义词



franchises 基本解释

选举权( franchise的名词复数 );参政权;获特许权的商业机构;特许经销权;给…以特许权,出售特许权( franchise的第三人称单数 );


franchises 网络解释

1. 专营权:政府是巨型压力器,它吸进税收和权力,释放出财富:金钱、救济金、服务、合同、专营权(franchises)和特许权. 政府一直都具有这项职能. 但是,在早期,这种政府供给的分配规模很小,现在则空前巨大. 这种情结经常体现在政府供给的法律之中,

2. 特许权:[正文] (特许经因管理网 组稿)特许人向受许人(加盟商)授权内容之总和称之为特许权(franchises),其中每一项内容称之为特许权要素. 特许权要素可以分为以下两大类: 1)特许人的知识产权要素;2)特许人的其它专属权利.

3. franchises在线翻译

3. 特许权或专营权:著作权 Copyrights | 特许权或专营权 Franchises | 商誉 Goodwill

4. 經營特許權:Franchise fee 经销费 | Franchises 经营特许权 | Franchises licensing 授权经营特许权

franchises 单语例句

1. Such stores may be branches owned by one company or franchises owned by local individuals or firms and operated under contract with the parent corporation.

2. It will try various formats before pushing ahead with expansion and is counting on franchises to reach the target of 100 spas quickly.

3. New regulations governing commercial franchises took effect in February, clearly defining the way foreign brands can operate franchise businesses in China.

4. KFC said it prefers to locate its franchises in small cities with relatively high demand because the industry is experiencing fierce competition in large cities.

5. The league recently extended sponsorship agreements with four key partners, and Stern said he had no fears of any franchises falling into significant financial difficulty.

6. The Agricultural Bank of China will add seven small business franchises in addition to the seven existing small business franchises before the end of 2010.

7. When I searched for nearby restaurants they were all franchises such as McDonalds or Pizza Hut and all of the pubs were a single company's.

8. Minor wants regional franchises to play a key role in the company's growth strategy.

9. Although Nelson has won hundreds of games for both of these franchises, he couldn't inspire his Warriors to exhibit the same poise shown by the Bucks.

10. Both franchises'first appearance on the NBA's biggest stage contained all the jitters and mistakes you might expect.

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