
frequent visitor是什么意思 frequent visitor在线翻译 frequent visitor什么意思 frequent visitor的意思 frequent visitor的翻译 frequent visitor的解释

frequent visitor

frequent visitor 双语例句

1. While disease had thus become an inhabitant of Lowood, and death its frequent visitor; while there was gloom and fear within its walls; while its rooms and passages steamed with hospital smells, the drug and the pastille striving vainly to overcome the effluvia of mortality, that bright May shone unclouded over the bold hills and beautiful woodland out of doors.

2. frequent visitor什么意思

2. Free sb/sth of … a frequent visitor be friends with sb keep friends with sb a week from today for fun make fun of sb have fun (=have a good time) function as… relief funds furnish a room with… further notice in future = from now on in the future 使…摆脱常客和……友好和……保持友好从今天算起的一周后为了乐趣嘲笑过得愉快起……作用救济金给……配备家具另行通知从今以后, 今后在未来 gain experience gain speed No pains, no gains play a close game host the 2008 Olympic Games generation gap gaze at general knowledge have a general/rough idea of in general it is generally believed/considered get on well with get over get through have a gift for be gifted with give out give away give in to give off be only too glad to do sth at a glance cast a glance atn.
    for the glory of the school go about go across go around go wrong go in for go into the army 第 19 页共 50 页获得经验加速一分耕耘,一分收获进行一场势均力敌的比赛主办 2008 年奥运会代沟凝视,注视一般常识有总的/大致的了解一般说来一般认为与某人相处好,某事进展顺利从恢复,痊愈完成;通过;接通电话有……的天赋具有……的才华分发,散发,用光,耗尽泄密屈服于某人某事放出非常乐意做某事一看就扫了一眼为了学校的荣誉忙于,从事横过,穿过传播;足够分配出故障,出错参加,爱好从军高考词组汇编 31。

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. Death is a frequent visitor here, people come here and quietly leave, you can feel that it was left, when the house is always silent, this is a worthy growth in this wonderful place, in this place, people throw opened all the contradictions of life, left to discuss the day's weather, the temperature of bath water a day when the sun is drawing to a close, for a dead person's room, another person will be re-filled up.

4. He is a frequent visitor to this country.

5. He`s a frequent visitor.

6. She's a frequent visitor to the US.

7. We are the frequent visitor of that restaurant.

8. He was one of nature's mightiest champions and a frequent visitor to the Emerald Dream.

9. frequent visitor的近义词

9. That evening the Countess Elena Vassilyevna gave a reception; the French ambassador was there, and a royal prince who had become a very frequent visitor at the countess's of late and many brilliant ladies and gentlemen.

10. Death is a frequent visitor here, people come here and quietly leave, you can feel that it was left, w hen the house is always silent, this is a worthy growth in this wonderful place, in this place, people throw opened all the contradictions of life, left to discuss the day's weather, the temperature of bat h water a day when the sun is drawing to a close, for a dead person's room, another person will be re-filled up.

11. He is a frequent visitor to the house.

12. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

12. As a student I lived in Oxford but was a frequent visitor to Belfast.

13. He is a frequent visitor to our home.

14. The chipmunk is a frequent visitor at Betsy's house and she has even nicknamed him Jasper.

15. Mr Barkis was a frequent visitor, and soon Peggotty explained to me that she had decided to marry him.

16. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

16. He is a frequent visitor to our house.

17. She is a frequent visitor to our house.

18. frequent visitor

18. This was Ko Chung-mou, a friend of Chiu Chun, the lawyer. He was a newspaper reporter and also a frequent visitor to Wu Sun-fu's house.

19. She's a frequent visitor to our house.

20. frequent visitor是什么意思

20. Etta was a frequent visitor there.

frequent visitor 单语例句

1. Riley has been a frequent visitor to China and has led many small and medium business delegations during four trade trips to the country.

2. Galli also addressed the nagging question of why authorities decided to go after Polanski now, even though he has been a frequent visitor to Switzerland.

3. With the student's encouragement, the migrant worker became a frequent visitor to English corners at different universities in Beijing.

4. Wang is a frequent visitor to the Guardian Auction events to see for himself the workings of the arts market.

5. Gere is a frequent visitor to India, promoting health issues and the cause of Tibetan exiles.

6. Sausages are not exclusively festival food as anyone who is a frequent visitor to Hong Kong or Guangzhou will tell you.

7. Greenberg has been a frequent visitor to China and has close ties with officials here.

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