
fryers是什么意思 fryers在线翻译 fryers什么意思 fryers的意思 fryers的翻译 fryers的解释 fryers的发音 fryers的同义词 fryers的反义词 fryers的例句



fryers 基本解释

油炸锅,作油炸食品的人,可供油炸的食品( fryer的名词复数 );

fryers 双语例句

1. Caterers should also ensure that fryers, grills and griddles used for preparing non-vegetarian products are thoroughly cleaned.

2. Nano-ceramic oil products for the hair, and scald struggle, outdoor BBQ, containers, fat fryers, electric heating appliances, kitchen utensils and other metal surfaces and non-metallic form such as: quartz, glass, mica, microcrystalline plate and so on.

3. In addition, common grills are sometimes used, as well as common utensils, fryers, etc.

4. Fryers must be filled with fresh, uncontaminated oil before vegetarian food is cooked.

5. fryers是什么意思

5. Let black heart boss control these so called fryers through the hacker's software.

6. Our company established in 2001 and covers an area of 280, 000 square meters, is a garden-style building, with more than 2000 workers, more than 100 engineers, the main production, design, operation and sale of a variety of manystove, coffee machine, Bread, hot dog machine, Kettle, fat fryers and many other types of merchandise, we are currently a large and medium-sized production of small furniture manufacturers.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. He introduced prospects Ezekiel Fryers (19), Ravel Morrison (18) and Paul Pogba (18) off the bench and later admitted it had been hard for them to impress in such a game.

8. That's what we're doing at the moment with Paul Pogba, Ravel Morrison, Jesse Lingard, Zeki Fryers, Larnell Cole and Michael Keane.

9. Fryers has already played in the heart of the defence and at left-back for Sir Alex's side so he gives the boss a couple of options going into the Palace tie.

10. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

10. The safety guards are on the fryers?

11. Promising defender Ezekiel Fryers admits he has been surprised by his involvement in the first-team this term.

12. The United staff were keen to improve Fryers'communication skills as he develops into a leader at the back.

13. Now they've featured in the first team team and, just underneath, there's the likes of Larnell Cole, Jesse Lingard, Ryan Tunnicliffe, Tom Thorpe, Ezekiel Fryers and the Keanes.

14. Paul McGuinness was able to select Reece Brown, Zeki Fryers and Etzaz Hussain after lengthy spells on the sidelines.

15. Traditionally this section had the of the main grills and deep fryers which is why a range of food requiring these methods of cookery were cooked by this section.

16. fryers的意思

16. Penny-pinching chefs cook with waste oil from fryers and sewers, a toxic ingredient known as gutter oil that generally goes unnoticed until diners get sick.

17. So my habit according to people, became a few key word that misremember easily: Fryer 3889 fryers 3385 wait.

18. Through illustrating the cause, content, characteristic and influence of Ko-chih hui-pien, the first scientific and technological periodical in china, which is set up by John Fryer, Chapter four show especially John Fryers open and enlighten function in science for modern china.

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