
funnel是什么意思 funnel在线翻译 funnel什么意思 funnel的意思 funnel的翻译 funnel的解释 funnel的发音 funnel的同义词 funnel的反义词 funnel的例句

funnel [ˈfʌnl]  [ˈfʌnəl] 


funnel 基本解释

名词漏斗; (轮船,火车等的)烟囱; 漏斗状物; [矿]通风井

及物/不及物动词把…灌进漏斗; 使成漏斗状; 成漏斗形; 使汇集

funnel 相关例句


1. funnel

1. He funneled the oil into the bottle.

2. He funnelled his hands.


1. The large crowd funneled out of the gates after the football match.


1. He poured the petrol into the car through a funnel.

funnel 网络解释

1. 漏斗状:对于Simmons来说,多孔性成为漏斗状(funnel)空间的灵感来源,霍尔设计了贯通的楼板并作为休息室和学习间. 这些漏斗空间分担了的走廊所承受的双倍荷载,并提供了集体学习和休息的场所,同时也使走廊充满趣味. 一个自由形式的楼梯漂浮在这个空间里,

2. 注入:搜寻测试: 搜寻测试有三种:线性、随机和注入 (Funnel) 测试. 这些测试是设计用来在大量读取资料的情况下,测试光碟机硬体. 任何一项失败的搜寻测试,仍应该使用不同的资料 CD 重复测试加以确认. 如果使用其他光碟机可以读取的资料 CD 执行第二次测试仍然失败,

3. 烟囱:frame 肋骨 | funnel 烟囱 | galley 厨房

funnel 词典解释

in AM, use 美国英语用funneling, funneled

1. 漏斗
    A funnel is an object with a wide, circular top and a narrow short tube at the bottom. Funnels are used to pour liquids into containers which have a small opening, for example bottles.

2. (蒸汽轮船或机车的)烟囱
    A funnel is a metal chimney on a ship or railway engine powered by steam.

    e.g. ...a merchantman with three masts and two funnels.

3. 漏斗状物
    You can describe as a funnel something that is narrow, or narrow at one end, through which a substance flows and is directed.

    e.g. These fires create convection funnels, and throw a lot of particles into the upper atmosphere.

4. (使)通过狭窄空间
    If something funnels somewhere or is funnelled there, it is directed through a narrow space.

    e.g. The winds came from the north, across the plains, funnelling down the valley...
    e.g. High tides in the North Sea were funnelled down into the English Channel by a storm.

5. 输送,传送(金钱、货物或信息)
    If you funnel money, goods, or information from one place or group to another, you cause it to be sent there as it becomes available.


    e.g. Its Global Programme on AIDS funnelled money from donors to governments...
    e.g. He secretly funnelled credit-card information to counterfeiters.

funnel 单语例句

1. Schultz said the educational fund would funnel money through a local advisory group that would chose different schools worthy of assistance.

2. On its top is a funnel shaped hollow made from the constant dripping of water.

3. Bush also used a Los Angeles conference to tout his efforts to funnel federal funds to religious charities that provide social services.

4. When complete, the pipeline is expected to funnel 80 million tons of oil a year.

5. Storm clouds also spawned funnel clouds and at least one tornado around North Texas, but there were no immediate reports of damage or injuries.

6. The lender plans to extend more mortgage loans and funnel extra credit into the property sector in Chongqing.

7. Promoters even blocked the showing of other movies in some theaters, trying to funnel audiences to their own films.

8. He used North China as an example, where a giant funnel has been formed and quickly expanding under its vast land.

9. Evangelicals funnel millions of dollars each year to Jewish settlers in the West Bank and provide aid for those evicted from Gaza.

10. International donors largely refuse to funnel aid through Hamas, preferring instead to deal with Abbas.

funnel 英英释义



1. (nautical) smokestack consisting of a shaft for ventilation or the passage of smoke (especially the smokestack of a ship)

2. a conically shaped utensil having a narrow tube at the small end
    used to channel the flow of substances into a container with a small mouth

3. a conical shape with a wider and a narrower opening at the two ends

    Synonym: funnel shape


1. move or pour through a funnel

    e.g. funnel the liquid into the small bottle

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