
fustian是什么意思 fustian在线翻译 fustian什么意思 fustian的意思 fustian的翻译 fustian的解释 fustian的发音 fustian的同义词 fustian的反义词

fustian [ˈfʌstiən]  [ˈfʌstʃən] 

fustian 基本解释

名词夸夸其谈; (通常为暗色的)厚粗棉布,粗斜纹布; 纬起绒织物

fustian 网络解释

1. 纬起毛织物:熔化範圍 fusion range | 緯起毛織物 fustian | 絨毛 fuzz

2. 浮夸:fustanella 白短裙 | fustian 浮夸 | fustic 佛堤树

3. 粗绒织物:fuss type automatic voltage regulator 振动式自动电压调节器 | fustian 粗绒织物 | fustic 黄桑木

4. 凸纹条格细平布:6550 干酪布 cheese cloth | 6551 凸纹条格细平布 fustian | 6552 单丝筛绢 single silk banderole

fustian 双语例句

1. From it he slowly drew forth the garments in which, ten years before, Cosette had quitted Montfermeil; first the little gown, then the black fichu, then the stout, coarse child's shoes which Cosette might almost have worn still, so tiny were her feet, then the fustian bodice, which was very thick, then the knitted petticoat, next the apron with pockets, then the woollen stockings.

2. His measured springless walk was the walk of the skilled countryman as distinct from the desultory shamble of the general labourer; -while in the turn and plant of each foot there was, further, a dogged and cynical indifference, personal to himself, showing its presence even in the regularly interchanging fustian folds, now in the left leg, now in the right, as he paced along

3. They flounder about between fustian in expression_r_r, and bathos in sentiment.

4. fustian的解释

4. As one of main matching plant of Fustian automobile, we supply the support process of over 30 varieties of components and arts including footplate hanging unit assembly and clutch pressure plate unit assembly and etc for all sorts of automobile and farm truck.

5. The line is worth a hundred pages of fustian.

6. Nothing that belongs to Homer seems to have been more commonly mistaken than the just pitch of his style: some of his translators having swelled into fustian in a proud confidence of the sublime; others sunk into flatness, in a cold and timorous notion of simplicity.

7. A waistcoat of broadcloth or of fustian is alike to an aching heart, and we laugh no merrier on velvet cushions than we did on wooden chairs.

8. His fustian shirt, sanguineflowered, trembles its Spanish tassels at his secrets

9. Nothing that belongs to Homer seems to have been more commonly mistaken than the just pitch of his style: some of his translators having swelled into fustian in a proud confidence of the sublime; others sunk into flatness in a cold and timorous notion of simplicity.

10. Nothing that belongs to Homer seems to have been more commonly mistaken than the just pitch of his style: some of his translators having swelled into fustian in a proud confidence of the sublime;

fustian 单语例句

1. The outfits feature simple sketches made in denim patched with corduroy and the pants made of fustian and jeanette with lycra.

fustian 英英释义


1. a strong cotton and linen fabric with a slight nap

2. pompous or pretentious talk or writing

    Synonym: bombastrantclaptrapblah

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