
giblets是什么意思 giblets在线翻译 giblets什么意思 giblets的意思 giblets的翻译 giblets的解释 giblets的发音 giblets的同义词 giblets的反义词

giblets [ˈdʒɪbləts]  [ˈdʒɪblɪts] 

giblets 基本解释

名词残余物; 什件儿


giblets 双语例句

1. Add chicken giblets, pork balls and ginger.

2. I'd like to have a chop Suey and Giblets Congee.

3. The degradabilities of matter and fat of commonly used concentrates such as corn, sesame meal, rapseed meal, soybean meal, cottonseed meal, sunflower meal, cottonseed cake, soybean and chicken giblets were determined with nylon bag technique.

4. giblets

4. Mrs. Bell: I want some chicken livers and giblets.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. In 6-quart saucepot, combine 1 chicken (3 to 31/2 pounds), including neck(giblets reserved for anther use), 2 carrots, peeled and cut into 2-inch pieces, 1 stalk celery, cut into 2-inch pieces, 1 medium onion, cut into quarters, 5 parsley sprigs, 1 garlic clove, 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme, 1/2 bay leaf, and enough water to cover(about 3 quarts heat to boiling over high heat.
    取容积6夸脱的少司锅,放入1只鸡( 3至 3 1/2磅),包括颈部,2个胡萝卜,去皮,切成2 -英寸的块,1根西芹,切成2寸的片,1个中等大小的洋葱,一开四,5根法香枝,1瓣大蒜,1/2茶匙干百里香,1/2片香叶,和足够的水,以覆盖原料(约3夸脱);高温煮沸。

6. I want some chicken livers and giblets.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. Once the turkey has defrosted, remove the giblets.

8. Right in front of your eyes. I want some chicken livers and giblets.

9. Lamb Tenderloin, Lean Beef, Chicken Giblets, Squid and Lettuce.

10. The woman has giblets in her blood.

11. It is hard to imagine that there would be anything but giblets left if those two now fell into the hands of their people.

12. Yes, these crackles are made out of synthetic goose, and these Giblets come from artificial squab. And even these apples look fake, but at least they've got stars on them.

13. He steals a goose, and gives the giblets in alms.

14. Female ducks slaughtering performance, rate of eviscerated yield、rate of eviscerated yield with giblets, meat factor rate all more than male duck (P > 0.05), and the isoflavone from Pueraria lobata (10mg/kg) is the best.

15. The study has shown: (1) With increasing sediment depth and the woody giblets, the total organic carbon (TOC), the extraction of benzene, the total humic acids and the unhydrolyte are enhanced, while the hydrolyte is decreasing.

giblets 词典解释

1. (禽类的)内脏
    Giblets are the parts such as the heart and liver that you remove from inside a chicken or other bird before you cook and eat it. Some people cook the giblets separately to make soup or a sauce.


giblets 单语例句

1. You can order it with giblets, chestnut dressing and cranberry sauce or gravy.

2. Some of these traditional " small eats " involve pork giblets that may be considered unhealthy today.

giblets 英英释义


1. edible viscera of a fowl

    Synonym: giblet

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