
gill是什么意思 gill在线翻译 gill什么意思 gill的意思 gill的翻译 gill的解释 gill的发音 gill的同义词 gill的反义词 gill的例句 gill的相关词组

gill [ɡɪl]  [ɡɪl] 


gill 基本解释

名词菌褶; (鱼等的)鳃; 深谷; (人的)腮下肉


gill 相关例句


1. Would you like me to gill the fish?


1. gill

1. A gill is equal to a quarter pint.

2. gill在线翻译

2. Gills are the organ through which fish breathe.

gill 网络解释

1. 鳃:对於鱼类有些许认知的人应该都知道,鱼类是用一个相当於人类肺部的器官---鳃(Gill)来进行呼吸的作用. 一般鱼类的呼吸方式是,水流由嘴巴进入口腔,并藉由鳃盖的开合拍动,导引水流进到鳃腔并流出鳃部,其间水流会经过布满微血管的鳃丝,

2. 菌褶:孢子从子实体上以各种形式产生:比如洋菇的孢子是在蕈伞的顶端称作蕈帽(cap)下缘的皱褶,名为菌褶(gill)的夹缝中孕育成熟(图三Boletus这一属的蕈类,菌褶的构造被一大堆细管所取代,细管的开孔清晰可见.

3. 吉哥:<<海底总动员>>里的尼莫(Nemo)是小丑鱼吗?多利(Dory)和吉哥(Gill)都是什么鱼?尼莫(Nemo)是小丑鱼,多利(Dory)是蓝藻鱼.大白鲨布鲁斯的两个朋友都叫虎鲨、榔头鲨 .吉哥是角蝶鱼

gill 词典解释

1. (鱼等的)鳃
    Gills are the organs on the sides of fish and other water creatures through which they breathe.


gill 单语例句


1. " Anger and hatred simmers within me, " said another caption below a picture of Gill grimacing.

2. Others who strolled the East Wing colonnade for the reception included actress Jessica Simpson, singers Vince Gill and Kenny Rogers and movie producer George Lucas.

3. It was unclear whether he meant east Indian or American Indian, but Gill is a common name in India.

4. Gill said the Secret Service must balance its duties of investigating such communications with its respect for the constitutional right of freedom of speech.

5. Investigators are to travel to Cape Town to speak to Woolmer's widow Gill and sons Dale and Russell.

6. Queiroz and United chief executive David Gill said the club had followed regulations in their dealings with Mikel.

7. Gill and his team sequenced the DNA in feces donated by three adults.

8. They also have a flap of skin called an operculum, which covers their gill arches.

9. Manchester United chief executive David Gill said that progress had been made in Europe.

10. Gill said the club was currently considering a number of options and will make an announcement as soon as possible on any alternative arrangements.

gill 英英释义


1. respiratory organ of aquatic animals that breathe oxygen dissolved in water

    Synonym: branchia

2. any of the radiating leaflike spore-producing structures on the underside of the cap of a mushroom or similar fungus

    Synonym: lamella

3. a United States liquid unit equal to 4 fluid ounces

4. a British imperial capacity unit (liquid or dry) equal to 5 fluid ounces or 142.066 cubic centimeters

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