
girl是什么意思 girl在线翻译 girl什么意思 girl的意思 girl的翻译 girl的解释 girl的发音 girl的同义词 girl的反义词 girl的例句 girl的相关词组

girl [gɜ:l]  [gɜ:rl] 


girl 基本解释

名词女孩; 姑娘,未婚女子; 女职员,女演员; (男人的)女朋友

girl 同义词


girl 反义词


girl 相关词组

1. old girl : n. 老校友,老太婆,大姐(用于招呼语);

girl 相关例句


1. This school is for girls only.

2. My little girl is ill.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. She is an office girl.

4. My little girl is at school.

girl 情景对话

Before class-(上课前)

A:Hello, Bob. Have you got your work done for today?

B:No, But maybe the teacher won't ask for it.


A:No such luck.The last time he forgot to collect our homework was the day he came down with the flu.He's in better.

B:I know. That was a great week. I went out with Mary three nights running.

A:Who's Mary?


B:You know, the dark-haired girl who sits in the front row.


A:Oh, her. I've never met her.

B:Sorry, friend. You won't if I have my way.

TV Series-(电视剧)

B:What’s on TV tonight?


A:Not much, that new reality-TV show, Ally McBeal, oooo, Dark Angel.


B:Wait a second. I want to watch Ally McBeal.

A:Oh, come on. That’s such a girl’s show.

B:No it’s not. It’s just funny.

A:Yeah, if you’re a girl.

B:Well, you just want to watch Dark Angel because of the hot girl.


A:That’s not true. Dark Angel is a good show.

B:It’s story is just an excuse to get the girl dressed up in different tight outfits.

A:O.K., O.K. Let’s forget it. There’s a football game on too.


B:No way. I’m watching Ally McBeal. Go to John’s to watch the game.

girl 网络解释

1. girl

1. 女孩子:犬夜紁王子陛下绝定娶人了,并且国王在这个礼拜六、下个礼拜六和下下个礼拜六开了三个舞会,要全国15-19岁的富商家的女孩子(girl)去参加,并且选定候选人哦!

2. girl:generalized information retrieval language; 通用信息检索语言

3. girl的近义词

3. girl:graph information retrieval language; 图形信息检索语言

girl 词典解释

1. 女孩;姑娘
    A girl is a female child.

    e.g. ...an eleven year old girl...
    e.g. I must have been a horrid little girl.

2. 女儿
    You can refer to someone's daughter as a girl .

    e.g. We had a little girl.

3. 年轻女子,小妞儿(可能具冒犯意味)
    Young women are often referred to as girls. This use could cause offence.


    e.g. ...a pretty twenty-year-old girl.

4. (男人的)女朋友
    Some people refer to a man's girlfriend as his girl.

    e.g. I've been with my girl for nine years.

girl 单语例句

1. She was a single party girl when she wrote Sex and the City, but is now a powerful businesswoman who married in 2002.

2. Welcome to the world of Jeanie Buss and her memoir Laker Girl, which is currently in bookstores.

3. Witnesses said Kantar smashed the little girl's head against a rock and crushed her skull with a rifle butt.

4. A girl took the job for money to buy a luxury mobile phone strap that cost several thousand Hong Kong dollars.

5. Girls and New Girl are scoring ratings, buzz and Emmy Awards respect.

6. He said the girl was losing her hair and had no energy gradually recently, the father was cited as saying by a China Central Television report.

7. A baby girl was almost abandoned last week by her parents for having a deformed nose.

8. The case was brought to court last April by the girl's birth mother.

9. The girl surnamed Gao from the central province of Henan lost her parents after they contracted AIDS by selling blood.

10. Like any other fashion girl, Zhang used to go shopping all over the world by plane or by car.

girl 英英释义



1. a female human offspring

    e.g. her daughter cared for her in her old age

    Synonym: daughter

2. a youthful female person

    e.g. the baby was a girl
           the girls were just learning to ride a tricycle

    Synonym: female childlittle girl

3. a young woman

    e.g. a young lady of 18

    Synonym: missmissyyoung ladyyoung womanfille

4. a friendly informal reference to a grown woman

    e.g. Mrs. Smith was just one of the girls

5. a girl or young woman with whom a man is romantically involved

    e.g. his girlfriend kicked him out

    Synonym: girlfriendlady friend

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