
go back是什么意思 go back在线翻译 go back什么意思 go back的意思 go back的翻译 go back的解释 go back的发音 go back的同义词 go back的反义词

go back [ɡəu bæk]  [ɡo bæk] 

go back 基本解释

回转; 回顾; 向后伸展; 背叛

go back 相关例句


1. His family goes back to the 18th century.

2. Let's go back home now.

go back 情景对话


A:What do you think about mature student?

B:What do you mean by mature student?

A:You know, people who go back to school later on in life?

B:I don’t know. I guess I’ve never really thought about it before. Why? Are you thinking about going back to school?

A:Yeah, I am. I never finished my undergraduate degree.

B:I didn’t know that. What were you studying?


B:Why didn’t you finish?

A:I didn’t think it was necessary to have a degree.

go back的近义词

B:Would it help you get a better job now?

go back的翻译

A:I think so. Besides, I want to travel around. If I don’t have a degree, I won’t be able to get a work visa.

B:Sounds like your mind is made up. Go for it !


A:What did you think of the food?

go back

B:It was delicious. I especially liked the garlic mashed potatoes.

A:You’re right, those were fantastic.

B:Did you like your food?

A:I was a bit disappointed in my main course, actually. The sauce was too rich.

go back的翻译

B:How about the dessert?

go back的意思

A:That was the best chocolate mousse I’d ever eaten! I might go back there just for that next time!

B:The service was pretty good, too, wasn’t it?

go back的反义词

A:Yes, they were very attentive. My glass was always full.

B:I liked the atmosphere. It was nice to eat in a quiet restaurant.

A:What did you think of the jazz ensemble that was there?

B:You know, I think they were the same ones who play at Aria on Friday nights.
      你知道吗,我觉得他们就是每周五晚上在Aria 演出的那个乐团。

go back是什么意思

A:I think you’re right. I really like the female singer. She has such a mesmerizing voice.

B:Not as mesmerizing as yours!

go back 网络解释

1. 回去:从家里出来去教官那边(There)接第一个任务吧;在副教官那边(There)接到第二个任务;去益州山岭的幼龙那取得五个幼龙角,益州山岭从江洲城最下面的出口出来便是了,幼龙角特别好暴,差不多幼龙暴一个,暴其五个就回去(Go back)找副教官吧.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 回(到...):订单生产型(BTO)企业的生产运作流程一、识别(Identify)系统约束二、开发(Exploit)系统约束三、其它活动服从(Subordinate)开发约束的需要四、提高(Elevate)约束产能,使其不再是约束五、回到(Go Back)步骤一,不要让人的惰性称为系统约束本公司所生产的MicrotouchR尼龙66超细纤维,

3. go back什么意思

3. 向后:glyphs 字形 | go back 向后 | go forward 向前

go back 词典解释

1. 追溯到;回溯到
    If something goes back to a particular time in the past, it was made or started at that time.

    e.g. The feud with the Catholics goes back to the 11th century...
    e.g. Our association with him goes back four years.

2. 回到(过去);回顾
    If someone goes back to a time in the past, they begin to discuss or consider events that happened at that time.

    e.g. If you go back to 1960, you'll find that very few jobs were being created.

go back 单语例句

1. I had intended to go back home by car sharing, but eventually I gave up.

2. It is a pity that I cannot go back to China by then, but I will give my best wishes and all my genuine supports.

3. Migrant workers from rural areas of Chongqing go back to work by train to coastal provinces like Guangdong and Zhejiang after a holiday.

4. If we cannot do take punitive action, can we at least change our negotiation language and go back to basics?

5. She then offered to call back on her cellphone so the interview could go on uninterrupted.

6. I just wanted to call police and didn't want to go back and save people.

7. The music was composed more than 80 years ago and I cannot go back that far.

8. You can go to the Qianmen area, but you can't go back.

9. He said he preferred to go back to the zoo and did not care for dental work.

10. " They go back to Myanmar immediately after the conflicts cease ", Liu added.

go back 英英释义


1. regain a former condition after a financial loss

    e.g. We expect the stocks to recover to $2.90
           The company managed to recuperate

    Synonym: recoverrecuperate

2. return in thought or speech to something

    Synonym: recur

3. belong to an earlier time

    e.g. This story dates back 200 years

    Synonym: date backdate from

go back是什么意思,go back在线翻译,go back什么意思,go back的意思,go back的翻译,go back的解释,go back的发音,go back的同义词,go back的反义词,go back的例句,go back的相关词组,go back意思是什么,go back怎么翻译,单词go back是什么意思
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