
go over是什么意思 go over在线翻译 go over什么意思 go over的意思 go over的翻译 go over的解释 go over的发音 go over的同义词 go over的反义词

go over [ɡəu ˈəuvə]  [ɡo ˈovɚ] 

go over 基本解释

go over什么意思

及物动词重温; 翻; 转为; 留下印象; 搁置起来

go over 相关例句


1. danci.911cha.com

1. We went over several houses, but haven't bought one yet.

2. He went over the article again.

3. go over的意思

3. His speech went over well.

go over 情景对话


go over在线翻译

A:Good! There’s the information desk. How do we get to the 70 th Street, please?
      您好!问讯处,请问我们怎样能到第70 街?

B:The Northern Line is what you want.

A:How much is it?

go over的近义词

B:It’s two yuan.

A:Which way do we go for the Northern Line?

go over

B:Just go through the No.8 ticket-barrier over there. A train will be in directly.
      从8 号检票口往前走,车马上就进站。

go over是什么意思

A:I appreciate it. Thank you.

B:That’s all right.


A:Did you lock the doors?


B:All except the back door. I left that open for Tim. He took the dog for a walk.


A:Well, I’m going on to bed. I’m beat.

B:Okay. I’m going to stay up a while. I’ve got to go over the household budget. We’re a little overspent this month.


A:Please tell Tim to close the door to the basement. I don’t want the dog down there tonight.

go over的近义词

B:Okay. Good night. See you at breakfast.


go over

A:Good afternoon, sir. Please sit here.

go over的近义词

B:A haircut and a shave, please.

go over的翻译

A:How would you like your hair cut, sir?


B:Short on both sides. Not so much off at the back.

go over

A:Very well, sir. Do you want me to trim your beard?

B:Yes, please.

A:Now have a look, please. Is it all right?

go over的反义词

B:Well, I would like my hair cut shorter on the temples.


A:Is that satisfactory?

B:Yes, thanks.

go over

A:Do you want conditioner?

B:No, thanks, but I'd like a face massage.


A:Yes, sir.

B:Now where should I pay the money?

A:You should go to the counter, just over there.

go over 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 复习:go out of one's way for somebody 不辞劳苦,不怕麻烦为某人做事 | go over 复习 | go over for a visit 去访问,去参观,去拜访

2. 检查:to go on a visit(a tour...)去参观/旅游 | go over检查 | to go through通过,穿过,透过,经历,检查

3. go over

3. 检查,审查;复习,重温:go out外出;熄灭 | go over检查,审查;复习,重温 | go through经历,经受;详细检查

4. 检查;复习:go out熄灭;外出 | go over检查;复习 | go through遭受,经历;检查,审查

go over 词典解释

1. 仔细检查;认真讨论;用心思考
    If you go over a document, incident, or problem, you examine, discuss, or think about it very carefully.

    e.g. I won't know how successful it is until an accountant has gone over the books.

go over 单语例句

go over的反义词

1. The elderly over 70 years old can buy half price tickets by showing their identification and go through a special access gate.

2. Like any other fashion girl, Zhang used to go shopping all over the world by plane or by car.

3. The'Come on Over'singer made the startling confession in a candid interview, although she refused to go into any further details.

4. This will allow Sheffield to go ahead with their arbitration claim for damages over their relegation from the Premier League in 2007.

5. The row comes at a difficult time for Bush's close ally Tony Blair, also under pressure over his decision to go to war.

6. They were among the first Chinese to go to Europe, and over the decades they typically worked in clothing or leather goods manufacturing or restaurants.

7. A retired teacher has helped 150 poor students go through school over the past 42 years by working as a garbage collector.

8. You will come to a canal, go over it and over the road and head up into the mountains.

9. He pledged that governorship polls scheduled for Tuesday would go forward and that a judicial commission of inquiry would be set up over the unrest.

10. Qian likes to go hiking over the weekend and takes pictures along the way, but compact digital cameras simply don't shoot pictures in the way she desires.

go over 英英释义


1. fall forward and down

    e.g. The old woman went over without a sound

    Synonym: fall over

2. happen in a particular manner

    e.g. how did your talk go over?

    Synonym: go offcome off

3. examine so as to determine accuracy, quality, or condition

    e.g. check the brakes
           Check out the engine

    Synonym: checkcheck up onlook intocheck outsuss outcheck overcheck into

4. hold a review (of troops)

    Synonym: reviewsurvey

go over是什么意思,go over在线翻译,go over什么意思,go over的意思,go over的翻译,go over的解释,go over的发音,go over的同义词,go over的反义词,go over的例句,go over的相关词组,go over意思是什么,go over怎么翻译,单词go over是什么意思
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