
go through是什么意思 go through在线翻译 go through什么意思 go through的意思 go through的翻译 go through的解释 go through的发音 go through的同义词

go through [ɡəu θru:]  [ɡo θru] 

go through 基本解释

(法律、合同等正式)通过; 用完; 检查; 完成

go through 相关例句


1. go through

1. The country has gone through too many wars.

2. The new law did not go through.

3. go through的近义词

3. Let's go through the argument again.

4. They went through the marriage service.

go through 情景对话


go through

A:Please stop me if you have any question.

B:I will.

A:Duck your head as you go through the door there.

B:Thank you.


A:Would you like to go through our factory some time?

B:That‘s a good idea.

A:I can set up a tour next week.

go through

B:Just let me know which day.


go through

B:That‘s the end of the tour.

go through

A:It was a great help to me.

go through

B:Just let me know if you want to bring anyone else.


A:I‘d like to have my boss go through the plant some day.

go through 网络解释

1. 经历:最后便是学习做自己的最好朋友,友善地倍伴自己经历(go through)这一切. 跟着便是第二步,亦即是实践第二圣谛,学习向现正经历的苦找出苦因. 怎样找出苦因?便是认识自己如何向面前的人和事作出喜爱和不喜爱(likes and dislikes),

2. go through的近义词

2. 经历,经受;详细检查:go over检查,审查;复习,重温 | go through经历,经受;详细检查 | go through通过,审查,完成

3. 通过,审查,完成:go through经历,经受;详细检查 | go through通过,审查,完成 | go under下沉,沉没;失败;破产

4. 经历;完成;检查:go over 检查;从头至尾温习 | go through 经历;完成;检查 | go to excess 走极端

go through 词典解释

1. 经历,经受(尤指苦难或艰难时期)
    If you go through an experience or a period of time, especially an unpleasant or difficult one, you experience it.

    e.g. He was going through a very difficult time...
    e.g. South Africa was going through a period of irreversible change.

2. 翻阅;翻找;整理
    If you go through a lot of things such as papers or clothes, you look at them, usually in order to sort them into groups or to search for a particular item.

    e.g. It was evident that someone had gone through my possessions.

3. 通读;彻查
    If you go through a list, story, or plan, you read or check it from beginning to end.

    e.g. Going through his list of customers is a massive job.

4. 重复;例行做
    When someone goes through a routine, procedure, or series of actions, they perform it in the way they usually do.

    e.g. Every night, they go through the same routine: he throws open the bedroom window, she closes it.

5. (法律、协议等)被通过;(决定)被批准
    If a law, agreement, or official decision goes through, it is approved by a parliament or committee.


    e.g. The bill might have gone through if the economy was growing.

go through 单语例句

1. The elderly over 70 years old can buy half price tickets by showing their identification and go through a special access gate.

2. But I feel Microsoft should force anyone who uses MSN to go through mandatory etiquette training before activating the instant messaging system.

3. Those who carry bags will need to go through the checks, the administrators of the park said.

4. Golden Dragon dismissed the charges, arguing it would take much longer to go through one cartridge than a cigarette.

5. Goldfarb explained that when people make calls from their cell phones, they go through a certain network.

6. ICRC rules limit prisoners to discussing only personal matters in their correspondence, and the letters from Saddam go through a US censor.

7. With the Approval Certificate issued by the examination and ratification authorities, the investors can go through registration procedures with the administration of industry and commerce.

8. " We all seen him go through walkthroughs, " Chandler said.

9. Unwilling to go through the whole process of adapting to a new boss, she got a job in consumer product marketing at another multinational company.

10. But Anelka settled the game with three minutes to go, chasing down Amoruso's poor header before firing through Friedel's legs from the narrowest of angles.

go through 英英释义



1. pursue to a conclusion or bring to a successful issue

    e.g. Did he go through with the treatment?
           He implemented a new economic plan
           She followed up his recommendations with a written proposal

    Synonym: follow throughfollow upfollow outcarry outimplementput through

2. apply thoroughly
    think through

    e.g. We worked through an example

    Synonym: work throughrun through

3. eat immoderately

    e.g. Some people can down a pound of meat in the course of one meal

    Synonym: devourdownconsume

4. go across or through

    e.g. We passed the point where the police car had parked
           A terrible thought went through his mind

    Synonym: passgo across

5. go or live through

    e.g. We had many trials to go through
           he saw action in Viet Nam

    Synonym: experiencesee

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