
goose是什么意思 goose在线翻译 goose什么意思 goose的意思 goose的翻译 goose的解释 goose的发音 goose的同义词 goose的反义词 goose的例句

goose [gu:s]  [ɡus] 


goose 基本解释

名词鹅; 鹅肉; 雌鹅; 傻瓜

动词拧或掐屁股; 忽然加满油; 催促

goose 反义词



goose 相关词组


1. shoe the goose : 徒劳无益;


goose 相关例句


1. I don't care much for goose.

2. We saw a flock of geese swimming in the lake.

goose 网络解释

1. goose是什么意思

1. 雌鹅:gander 雄鹅 | goose 雌鹅 | gosling 幼鹅

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. 鹅;突然开大的油门:goose neck 鹅颈管 | goose 鹅;突然开大的油门 | gooseneck ventilator 鹅颈通风筒

goose 词典解释

    A goose is a large bird that has a long neck and webbed feet. Geese are often farmed for their meat.

2. 鹅肉
    Goose is the meat from a goose that has been cooked.

    e.g. ...roast goose.

3. see also: wild goose chase

4. 阻挠;破坏…的计划
    If you cook someone's goose, you prevent their plans from succeeding.

    e.g. He said that what they were up to would cook Krasky's goose.

5. 杀鸡取卵;自绝财源
    If someone kills the goose that lays the golden egg, they harm or destroy the person or thing that gives them their money, power, or advantage.

    e.g. Unregulated tourism can kill the goose that laid their golden egg.

6. 适于此者适于彼;应该一视同仁
    If you say what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, you mean what is acceptable for one person in a particular situation should be acceptable for another person in a similar situation.

goose 单语例句

1. Those are in addition to the typical tastes of Cantonese cuisine - oily chicken, golden roast pigeon and marinated goose liver.

2. The goose carcass was collected at a beach near Sham Shek Tsuen on the island Tuesday.

3. Police were sent on a wild goose chase after a woman reported she had been injured after witnessing a kidnapping.

4. A shining example of this is his signature dish - goose liver with chocolate sauce - classic cuisine with a firm contemporary twist.

5. The most valued of which is Pate de foie gras made from goose liver, truffles and cognac.

6. I prefer duck's liver for hot dishes, but both that and goose liver work equally well in a cold terrine.

7. The new a la carte menu has delicious pigeon, and its famous goose liver prepared in a variety of ways.

8. Their conversation is too quiet to hear, but the goose appears calmed and waddles off to rejoin her group.

9. It cost taxpayers a lot of money sending the local police on a wild goose chase.

10. He finds a crack on a wild goose egg in the incubator.

goose 英英释义


1. web-footed long-necked typically gregarious migratory aquatic birds usually larger and less aquatic than ducks

2. flesh of a goose (domestic or wild)

3. a man who is a stupid incompetent fool

    Synonym: fatheadgoofgoofballbozojackasscuckootwatzany


1. give a spurt of fuel to

    e.g. goose the car

2. prod into action

3. pinch in the buttocks

    e.g. he goosed the unsuspecting girl

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