
gossip是什么意思 gossip在线翻译 gossip什么意思 gossip的意思 gossip的翻译 gossip的解释 gossip的发音 gossip的同义词 gossip的反义词 gossip的例句

gossip [ˈgɒsɪp]  [ˈgɑ:sɪp] 


gossip 基本解释

名词流言蜚语,谣言; 爱讲闲话的人; 谈话,闲话; 关系亲密的伙伴



gossip 相关例句


1. They sat and gossiped all evening.


1. gossip的反义词

1. You shouldn't listen to gossip.

2. gossip的意思

2. She is an old gossip.

3. She had a gossip with her neighbor.

gossip 网络解释

1. 闲话:每天发生的事件和遭遇被纳入人们的日常叙事,这些尖刻的评判和彼此间终生的熟稔构成了所谓农村的闲话(gossip). 有时候故事暗含着道德判断,不过这个判断--公正抑或偏颇--都只是一个细节:作为一个整体,故事的讲述带着某种宽容,

gossip 词典解释

1. 流言蜚语;小道消息;闲话
    Gossip is informal conversation, often about other people's private affairs.

    e.g. He spent the first hour talking gossip...
    e.g. There has been much gossip about the possible reasons for his absence...

2. 闲聊;说长道短
    If you gossip with someone, you talk informally, especially about other people or local events. You can also say that two people gossip .


    e.g. We spoke, debated, gossiped into the night...
    e.g. Eva gossiped with Sarah...

3. 爱说长道短的人
    If you describe someone as a gossip, you mean that they enjoy talking informally to people about the private affairs of others.

    e.g. He was a vicious gossip.

gossip 单语例句

1. Dou should have learned to ignore the buzzing and rumbling of the gossip mill.

2. LOS ANGELES - George Clooney personally responded Thursday to rumors circulated by two gossip Web sites.

3. Kristen Bell has revealed she's asked Gossip Girl bosses if she can make a cameo appearance on the show.

4. The women thrill to his catty gossip and cooing line in flattery.

5. Celebrity gossip may be pleasant fodder for lunchtime conversations, but it can turn amazingly ferocious within the cyber world.

6. Female macaque monkeys love a good gossip as much as their chatty human counterparts, research has shown.

7. Beijing's cabbies are known for being particularly chatty and are good sources of gossip.

8. I would make Chuck Gossip Girl and I would turn my character into Patrick Bateman from'American Psycho'.

9. She said her experience with bullying started when she became the subject of gossip in a classmate's blog last year.

10. The controversial'Gossip Girl'star also admitted she finds fame difficult to deal with, comparing it to high school but on a much larger scale.

gossip 英英释义


1. light informal conversation for social occasions

    Synonym: chitchatchit-chatchit chatsmall talkgabgabfesttittle-tattlechin wagchin-wagchin waggingchin-waggingcauserie

2. a report (often malicious) about the behavior of other people

    e.g. the divorce caused much gossip

    Synonym: commentscuttlebutt

3. a person given to gossiping and divulging personal information about others

    Synonym: gossipergossipmongerrumormongerrumourmongernewsmonger


1. talk socially without exchanging too much information

    e.g. the men were sitting in the cafe and shooting the breeze

    Synonym: chew the fatshoot the breezechatconfabulateconfabchitchatchit-chatchatterchaffernatterjawclavervisit

2. wag one's tongue
    speak about others and reveal secrets or intimacies

    e.g. She won't dish the dirt

    Synonym: dish the dirt

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