
graceful是什么意思 graceful在线翻译 graceful什么意思 graceful的意思 graceful的翻译 graceful的解释 graceful的发音 graceful的同义词

graceful [ˈgreɪsfl]  [ˈɡresfəl] 

graceful 基本解释

形容词优美的,优雅的; 雅致的,美好的; 得体的; 飘逸

graceful 同义词



graceful 反义词


graceful 相关例句


1. She is a graceful dancer.

graceful 网络解释

1. graceful在线翻译

1. 优雅的:相比起一口气爬8800米,一口气爬2933米分三次爬完明显是更有效的,更优雅的(graceful),也更可行的(feasible)方法. 对于考取CCIE而言,先学pre LAB,接着再着手准备LAB就是spoto提供给你的更加有效,优雅,可行的办法.

2. graceful

2. 优美:二月二十五日 生日花:桃子(Peach) 花 语:优美(Graceful) 桃子淡粉红色的花朵和果实圆圆的曲线,一再令人想起女性优美的风姿. 因此它的花语是-优美. 受到这种花祝福而生的人,堪称为女人中的女人,充满了女性的魅力,就像成群的虫儿想吃桃子一样.

3. danci.911chaxun.com

3. 优美的:governor 地方长官 | graceful 优美的 | grade 等级,年级,分数

graceful 词典解释

1. 优美的;优雅的
    Someone or something that is graceful moves in a smooth and controlled way which is attractive to watch.


    e.g. His movements were so graceful they seemed effortless.
    e.g. ...graceful ballerinas.

She stepped gracefully onto the stage.

2. 优美的;动人的;雅致的
    Something that is graceful is attractive because it has a pleasing shape or style.


    e.g. A graceful medieval cathedral...
    e.g. His handwriting, from earliest young manhood, was flowing and graceful.

She loved the gracefully high ceiling, with its white-painted cornice.

3. 优雅的;得体的;有风度的
    If a person's behaviour is graceful, it is polite, kind, and pleasant, especially in a difficult situation.

    e.g. Aubrey could think of no graceful way to escape Corbet's company...
    e.g. He was charming, cheerful, and graceful under pressure.

We managed to decline gracefully.

graceful 单语例句

1. The temple is a stately and graceful exception to the new economic bustle of Huaihe Road.

2. In the graceful sweep of the calligrapher's hand, the image of a New Beijing is born.

3. His affair with the graceful art of needle work began in 1949, and most of his collection are pieces from Jianshui.

4. During his career as a government press official, he was popular for his frank but graceful communicative style among medias.

5. Tao believes the encouragement was meant to compensate for the fact that his mother never became a dancer despite her beauty and graceful figure.

6. Yu's work - delicate and graceful, which values the artistic conception - can cater to both refined and popular tastes.

7. Due to its graceful conformation, it is regarded as the museum of karst cave and underground maze.

8. The hotel offers 405 guest rooms of various categories and size, and the design of the guest rooms is elegant and graceful with extensive views.

9. Rock stratum of various colors places in graceful disarray, forming an imposing and magnificent sight.

10. Yuan tries to imbue the role with her own personality and looks smart and graceful in a long gray dress and neat braids.


graceful 英英释义


1. characterized by beauty of movement, style, form, or execution

2. suggesting taste, ease, and wealth

    Synonym: elegantrefined

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