
grass plains是什么意思 grass plains在线翻译 grass plains什么意思 grass plains的意思 grass plains的翻译 grass plains的解释 grass plains的发音

grass plains

grass plains 双语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. Pasture grass of plains of''.

2. grass plains的反义词

2. Pasture grass of plains of South America and western North America.

3. grass plains的解释

3. Then the plows went in and ripped off the protection of the buffalo grass and opened the helpless soil to quick water and slow drought and the mischievous wind that roamed through the Great Central Plains. There has always been more than enough desert in America; the new settlers, like overindulged children, created even more.

4. It's February when the rains have brought fresh growth to the short grass plains.

5. grass plains什么意思

5. But as the dry season progresses, the grass on the plains begins to dry up and water sources disappear.

6. grass plains的翻译

6. Short grass growing on dry plains of central United States.

7. In the northern half, the short grass plains have once again become a savannah paradise.

8. They swooped over the surface of the planet, over twilight-shrouded jungles, undulating plains of grass, and shadow-filled canyons.

9. In summer, the plains of northern Montana are lush and green, the grass blown flat by winds fragrant with sage and sweetgrass.

10. Eurasian grass grown in United States great plains area for forage and''.

11. Nearly thousand Chinese acres of forest surrounding the plains around, Mr. Tsui Tsung Yang, stood Blot out the Sun, the grass again and again, the flow of wearing a Chaobaihe Lin water form a contrast, water sand total, constitute a unique garden painting scroll.

12. grass plains的反义词

12. We reach the Pieman River, which looks bronze because of the tannins leached from the roots of button grass plains upstream.

13. grass plains的反义词

13. Valuable forage grass of dry upland areas and plains of western North America to northern Mexico.

14. Eurasian grass grown in United States great plains area for forage and erosion control.

15. His voice sounded like the wind blowing through the dry grass on the great plains.

16. The famous impala of African grass plains has horns shaped like a small harp.

17. Northland under the snow-covered Great Plains, wind wreak havoc, places far away from residential areas has two mud grass hut, hut the top of the asphalt felt paper covered with white stones Crimping.

18. It eats dry grass and bushes and it lives in deserts and plains in North Africa and Asia.

19. danci.911cha.com

19. Wide grass-covered plains as far as the eye could see.

20. Upon the grass of the great plains the crooked bare old thorn-trees were scattered, and the grass was spiced like thyme and bog-myrtle; in some places the scent was so strong, that it smarted in the nostrils.

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