
gravity是什么意思 gravity在线翻译 gravity什么意思 gravity的意思 gravity的翻译 gravity的解释 gravity的发音 gravity的同义词 gravity的反义词

gravity [ˈgrævəti]  [ˈɡrævɪti] 

gravity 基本解释

名词重力; 万有引力,地心引力; 重要性,严重性; 严肃,庄重


gravity 相关例句


1. gravity的反义词

1. She does not know the gravity of her illness.

2. He could hardly keep his gravity.

3. gravity在线翻译

3. The stone rolled down the hill by gravity.

4. Anything that is dropped falls towards the centre of the earth because of the pull of gravity.

gravity 网络解释

1. 重力:把所涉的力称作推力(impulse)、引力(vis attractive)、拖曳力(vis tractoria)、重力(gravity)、活力(vis viva)还是物体的某种固有的倾向,体现了作者对世界的不同看法,对物理世界的不同理解.

2. [重力场]:本例中烟的设定只是一种最简单的设置,用户还可以根据需要将本例中的粒子改用喷射粒子以及给粒子增加动力场--如空气场(air)、振荡场(turbulence)、重力场(gravity)等手段得到更好的效果.

gravity 词典解释

1. 重力;地球引力
    Gravity is the force which causes things to drop to the ground.


    e.g. Arrows would continue to fly forward forever in a straight line were it not for gravity, which brings them down to earth.

2. (事态的)严重性,重大
    The gravity of a situation or event is its extreme importance or seriousness.


    e.g. They deserve punishment which matches the gravity of their crime...
    e.g. Not all acts of vengeance are of equal gravity.

3. (言谈举止的)庄重,严肃
    The gravity of someone's behaviour or speech is the extremely serious way in which they behave or speak.

    e.g. There was an appealing gravity to everything she said.

gravity 单语例句

1. Earth's oceans are pulled by the gravity of the moon and the sun.

2. The agency hopes viewers of its NASA TV channel will follow the astronauts'lead - without the unique difficulties posed by zero gravity.

3. Before he could recover from the vibrations, he was seized by the inevitable gravity loss.

4. One idea is that an icy object from the outer solar system was lured in close and broken apart by Saturn's impressive gravity.

5. They perturb particles in the rings by creating " density waves " of gravity spotted by Voyager 2 in 1981 and in other new observations by Cassini.

6. A movie made by the renowned ski film producer Teton Gravity Research will be screened during the festival.

7. Those changes would be made by the tug of a planet's gravity on the star.

8. The ceaseless violence and decisions by other coalition members to recall their troops underline the gravity of the US position in Iraq.

9. Research conducted by the International Panel on Climate Change drives home the gravity of the situation caused by the deteriorating climate.

10. Among its myriad charms is a road where objects appear to defy gravity by rolling uphill due to a natural optical illusion.

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