
greet是什么意思 greet在线翻译 greet什么意思 greet的意思 greet的翻译 greet的解释 greet的发音 greet的同义词 greet的反义词 greet的例句

greet [gri:t]  [ɡrit] 


greet 基本解释

及物动词打招呼; 欢迎,迎接; 致敬,致意; (景象,声音等)映入眼帘

greet 相关例句


1. Shouts of anger greeted our ears.

2. greet的反义词

2. A beautiful view greeted us.

3. When we reached the top of the hill, a magnificent view of the sea greeted us.

4. danci.911chaxun.com

4. His proposals were greeted with cheers.

greet 网络解释

1. 迎接:当作者返回加油站时,那个年轻人冲出来迎接(greet) 他们. 52. A. fall open张开很大. 年轻人张大了嘴巴,表现出很吃惊的样子说明他没有想到会得到顾客的赏识. 53. C. 作者买到冰激凌以后,返回加油站感谢那个年轻人为他们提供的优质的服务(service).

2. 欢迎:进而舰队到了天上的街市(street),见到罗列的珍奇,包括床单(sheet),见到(meet)织女,受到欢迎(greet),自然都是合理的. 这个故事的原型很多人熟悉,很容易回忆起来:孙悟空被罩在灰白色(gray)盘子(tray)下,没有光线(ray),

3. 显示问候的动作:GetAttentionReturn 显示继续立正的动作 | Greet 显示问候的动作 | LookDown 显示向下查看的动作

greet 词典解释

1. 同…打招呼;向…问好;欢迎;迎接
    When you greet someone, you say 'Hello' or shake hands with them.


    e.g. She liked to be home to greet Steve when he came in from school.

2. 对…作出反应;回应
    If something is greeted in a particular way, people react to it in that way.

    e.g. The European Court's decision has been greeted with dismay by fishermen...
    e.g. It is unlikely that this suggestion will be greeted enthusiastically in the Baltic States.

3. 呈现在…面前;映入…眼帘;最先被…感觉到
    If you are greeted by something, it is the first thing you notice in a particular place.


    e.g. I was greeted by a shocking sight...
    e.g. The savoury smell greeted them as they went through the door.

greet 单语例句

1. She often reads and dexterously types responses without upsetting her stride, but she'll stop to greet tourists touring the Capitol.

2. China Centennial Altar is a landmark building completed in 1999 to greet the new millennium.

3. They serve tea, greet company guests and chatter away at public technology displays.

4. Taiyuan will greet September with blossoms of chrysanthemum and the aroma of fruit.

5. Blair embraced dozens of local Labour activists as he arrived to greet around 250 supporters packed into the former mining village's Labour clubhouse.

6. Everyday when I use my Windows Live Messenger, many " red hearts " come before the names to greet me.

7. Obama lingered a few minutes at each table as the Marines and sailors and their families stood to greet their next commander in chief.

8. Many people took the time to stop and greet her on the street, including complete strangers!

9. A second constraint stems from all the crises that will greet the new president.

10. The creature found a safe spot on the partition belts between the highway lanes, waving his " hands " to " greet " drivers who passed him.

greet 英英释义


1. react to in a certain way

    e.g. The President was greeted with catcalls

2. send greetings to

3. express greetings upon meeting someone

    Synonym: recognizerecognise

4. be perceived by

    e.g. Loud music greeted him when he entered the apartment

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