
griffon是什么意思 griffon在线翻译 griffon什么意思 griffon的意思 griffon的翻译 griffon的解释 griffon的发音 griffon的同义词 griffon的反义词

griffon ['ɡrɪfən]  ['ɡrɪfən] 

griffon 基本解释



griffon 网络解释

1. 獅鷲獸:与皇家空军另一主力战斗机霍克 飓风(Hawker Hurricane-通常译作飓风战斗机)扞卫英国本土. 当中喷火战斗机虽然数量较少,但因为它的性能较佳,是与德军的护航战斗机Bf 109作战的主力. 也成为此後(直至二战结束)英国皇家空军的主力战斗机. 使用狮鹫兽(Griffon)发动机系列

2. 天贵星狮鹫:1963年03月25日 冥界三巨头之一天贵星狮鷲(Griffon)米诺斯(Minos)出生. 1963年06月24日 黄金圣鬥士巨蟹座(Cancer)迪斯马斯克(Death Mask)出生. 1963年10月30日 冥界三巨头之一天猛星魏班(Wyvarn)拉达曼迪斯(Radamanteis)出生.

3. 按住攻击键集气以居合斩攻击,集气时间愈久威力愈大:+manticore 用毒爪攻击. | +griffon 按住攻击键集气以居合斩攻击,集气时间愈久威力愈大. | +thunderbird 攻击键连打以武术连续攻击.

griffon 双语例句

1. You know, I'd like the daytime a lot better if it didn't mean a griffon has a clear sighting from five miles away...

2. The Griffon has a larger capacity, over 36 liters, but it's just about the same external size as its predecessor.

3. Mundus:Griffon, you have failed me.

4. griffon的近义词

4. This is the Ruppell's Griffon Vulture.

5. Griffon:Yours are definitely the powers of Sparda. No even more so.

6. griffon的反义词

6. Griffon: Yours are definitely the powers of Sparda. No even more so.

7. Soon afterward, emissaries from the Order of the Griffon pour into Nordland with a stern mandate: train and arm those willing

8. This study assessed population trends of Himalayan Griffon Gyps himalayensis in the mountainous region of Upper Mustang, Nepal, which is an important breeding area for the species.
    根据一个调查,在Upper Mustang地区繁殖的高山兀鹫,从2002年开始繁殖大量的减少,可能也是跟南亚平原的兀鹫一样,受diclofenac的毒害。

9. But without the Ruppell's Griffon Vulture, the Serengeti would be one colossal trash heap.

10. You're looking at a glorious bird that may just be the most unappreciated creature on the African Serengeti. This is the Ruppell's Griffon Vulture.

11. Hellip; but without the Ruppell's Griffon Vulture, the Serengeti would be one colossal trash heap.

12. griffon的反义词

12. The Petit Basset Griffon Vend é en is a scent hound developed to hunt small game over the rough and difficult terrain of the Vend é en region.

13. A simple and effective distributed thread control method is proposed in this paper based on a SCMP model, Griffon.

14. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

14. On a snowy Spanish hillside in Aragon, a griffon vulture vies with a raven for a scrap of food.

15. Wirehaired pointing griffon Having a coat of stiff, wiry hair. Used especially of breeds of dogs

16. griffon的反义词

16. Still, in the previous two weeks, Mr. Luc had caught nine Southeast Asian box turtles and Malayan snail-eating turtles, five elephant trunk snakes, a handful of water birds and two rare Himalayan griffon vultures.

17. Griffon: You! Are you the human, the son of Sparda who challenges the Darkness Mundus?

18. Although intelligent, a griffon requires training before it can bear a rider in combat.

griffon 单语例句

1. The griffon vulture's home was decorated with red lanterns and other materials suitable for a traditional Chinese wedding.

griffon 英英释义


1. large vulture of southern Europe and northern Africa having pale plumage with black wings

    Synonym: griffon vultureGyps fulvus

2. breed of medium-sized long-headed dogs with downy undercoat and harsh wiry outer coat
    originated in Holland but largely developed in France

    Synonym: wire-haired pointing griffon

3. breed of various very small compact wiry-coated dogs of Belgian origin having a short bearded muzzle

    Synonym: Brussels griffonBelgian griffon

4. winged monster with the head of an eagle and the body of a lion

    Synonym: gryphongriffin

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