
hard-to-get是什么意思 hard-to-get在线翻译 hard-to-get什么意思 hard-to-get的意思 hard-to-get的翻译 hard-to-get的解释 hard-to-get的发音

hard-to-get ['hɑ:dt'əɡ'et]  ['hɑ:dt'əɡ'et] 

hard-to-get 基本解释

[计] 难得到的

hard-to-get 双语例句

1. Investment project of municipal government of Tongliao Trade: building material industry No: 028 Project name Unique cement producing line Cooperation Mode Joint-venture cooperation individual Sum- mary Products Scheme Scale of Operation Forecasting Scales The need of cement is balanced at present, but the special cement (white cement, cement for dam, cement for road) of it is hard-to-get, the condition of it is advanced, the resources of the limestone for producing cement is one billion in Kulun County, and the calcium percentage is over 53%. The resource for producing cement of it will be one hundred million tons in the zone of project. The traffic and electricity power system for the project is plenty.
    通辽市人民政府招商引资项目行业:建材 No:028 项目名称特制水泥生产合作方式合资、合作、独资均可项目概述产品方案经营规模销售预测目前,水泥市场呈供求平衡态势,但特种水泥(白水泥、大坝水泥、道路水泥)供应偏紧,而且对原材料的要求极高,库伦旗境内用于生产水泥的石灰石储量达10亿吨,CaC含量达53%以上,项目区符合生产特种水泥的石灰石储量达亿吨以上,项目区内交通便利,电力供应充足。

2. But I thought you were playing hard-to-get.

3. The kind of beauty I want most is the hard-to-get kind that comes from within-strength, courage, dignity.

4. I don't like it when girls play hard-to-get.

5. danci.911chaxun.com

5. Actually, I believe you're the one playing hard-to-get.

6. Don't play hard-to-get and get on it.

7. hard-to-get

7. B: Don't worry. She's just playing hard-to-get.

8. Well, I guess she's trying to play hard-to-get.

9. We are in the business of oil and gas discovery and hard-to-get barrels.

10. Though Charlotte was determined to play hard-to-get, she didn't want to end the evening too abruptly.

11. Speaking of hard-to-get, I definitely think airplane food and the looks of the flight attendants top the list

12. danci.911chaxun.com

12. Many are eager for geocoded data and raw data from household surveys and Bank research, as well as hard-to-get sub-national and sub-regional data.

13. Hard-to-get theater tickets can be bought at a premium.

14. A market place where illegal or hard-to-get items are sold or where money is illegal exchanged.

15. hard-to-get的翻译

15. Do boys like girls who enjoy playing hard-to-get?

16. Nim had brought wine-a hard-to-get Heitz Cellar Cabernet.

17. Another, NK News, has become a closely watched outlet for hard-to-get news about the country with a string of recent exclusives.

18. hard-to-get的近义词

18. Besides, the book, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, read by the hero in You Who Came From The Star was a hard-to-get item on Amazon for a while.

19. China's entry into WTO starts its participation in economic globalization on a wider scale and at a higher level, which provides itself with a hard-to-get chance to fuel the national economy and develop the west region of the country.

20. The common case of hard-to-get double control target was found through the field experiment, and some suggestions were proposed.

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