
hatching是什么意思 hatching在线翻译 hatching什么意思 hatching的意思 hatching的翻译 hatching的解释 hatching的发音 hatching的同义词

hatching ['hætʃɪŋ]  ['hætʃɪŋ] 


hatching 基本解释


动词孵化( hatch的现在分词 ); 孵出,破壳而出; 秘密策划,(尤指)密谋; 使(小鸟、小鱼、小虫等)孵出

hatching 网络解释

1. 孵化:囊胚进一步扩大,会导致透明带的破裂,胚胎从其中伸展出来,这个过程叫做孵化(hatching)(1)抗精子抗体(ASAB)与胚胎停育,抗精子抗体作用于子宫胎盘血管内皮细胞上的磷脂,使血管内皮细胞受损,血小板聚集,血栓形成,使蜕蟆或胎盘血供不足,

2. hatching

2. 影线:在对待空间的态度上,他强调分布于各个画面(plane)上的母题(motif)自远而近平行排列;当偶尔出现塑造性的影线(hatching)时,这些线条也更倾向于平行排列:这与盛期意大利的均衡与和谐特征相符,而与自己的同胞,

3. 剖面线:hand brace 手摇钻 | hatching 剖面线 | hexagon headed bolt 六角头螺栓

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. 画影线:hatch 舱盖 | hatching 画影线 | hatchway 屋Ding!口

hatching 单语例句

1. After 20 days of hatching, he placed one egg on the table for routine inspection.

2. It was a black and gold globe hatching from an Easter egg, with pieces of eggshell on top of the globe and falling off to the side.

3. Animal experts said the peacocks would treat the hen as their mother because the hen was the first thing they saw upon hatching.

4. A fat penguin jumped onto the hatching area, jostled away the penguin father and tried to take away the egg.

5. The childhood of a bird is quite short - often chicks are ready to leave the nest in just a few weeks after hatching.

6. The tragedy occurred when another female penguin jumped onto the hatching where the egg was placed.

7. Her fate changes dramatically when she meets a mallard duck and ends up hatching a duck egg.

8. Chen Zhong briefed the delegation on their investments in hatching machines and on recent progress of the Action Community for Entrepreneurship.

9. They will observe and record the hatching process, and learn about the habits of sharks and their environment.

10. Insurance companies are also hatching plans for providing insurance to those going under the knife.

hatching 英英释义


1. shading consisting of multiple crossing lines

    Synonym: hatchcrosshatchhachure

2. the production of young from an egg

    Synonym: hatch

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