
haunted是什么意思 haunted在线翻译 haunted什么意思 haunted的意思 haunted的翻译 haunted的解释 haunted的发音 haunted的同义词 haunted的反义词

haunted [ˈhɔ:ntɪd]  [ˈhɔntɪd] 


haunted 基本解释

形容词闹鬼的; 忧心忡忡的


haunted 相关例句


1. haunted什么意思

1. She had a haunted look, as if she were constantly anxious or afraid.

2. Her haunted imagination gave her no peace.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. This is a haunted house.

haunted 网络解释

1. 闹鬼的:回来遇到Bruce和阿Ben,他们一听,就说我们去的那是闹鬼的(haunted)地方,我说怎么感觉有点奇怪呢. 回来赶紧上网查资料,发现真的有这回事,而且还是英国著名的几个鬼堡之一.

2. haunted在线翻译

2. 闹鬼:.本片的片名最初被定为<<闹鬼>>(Haunted),但由于后来影片的情节由万圣节改为了毕业舞会,所以片名也相应地改为<<毕业季>>(Senior Year)

3. 闹鬼的,鬼魂出没的,受到折磨的:coniferin hydrochloride 盐酸松柏苷2, 4- | haunted 闹鬼的,鬼魂出没的,受到折磨的 | lay edges 空白边

4. 靈異獵人:Hana no Kimi ------偷偷爱着你 | haunted --靈異獵人 | Happy Lesson--------------欢乐课程/快乐授业

haunted 词典解释

1. (房屋等)有鬼魂出没的,闹鬼的
    A haunted building or other place is one where a ghost regularly appears.


    e.g. Tracy said the cabin was haunted.
    e.g. ...a haunted house.

2. (表情)焦虑的,忧心忡忡的
    Someone who has a haunted expression looks very worried or troubled.

    e.g. She looked so haunted, I almost didn't recognize her.

haunted 单语例句

1. For I have been haunted by the cacophony of random honking that seems inescapably everywhere.

2. And though he has vowed never to return to sea, he is still haunted by the nightmarish 202 days of his captivity.

3. But the word cellulitis haunted me, as did that doctor and his casual manner.

4. Jackson star in an adaptation of Stephen King's tale about a skeptical author who stays in a notoriously haunted hotel room.

5. A series of coal mine accidents have occurred in the past three months, suggesting China is still being haunted by safety problems in its mines.

6. He hopes a comparative DNA analysis may get him closer to unravelling a mystery that has haunted him for a decade.

7. A drunken young man died in his sleep in a supposedly " haunted " flat, further convincing neighbors that there is a ghost in the apartment.

8. Rainier's reign added to the legendary curse of the Grimaldi dynasty that has haunted his family during its seven centuries of rule over Monaco.

9. This is a tale of Chinese people haunted by cutthroat pressure in their drive for survival and progress.

10. China's dairy industry has been haunted by reoccurring tainted milk scandals since 2008 when dangerously high levels of melamine were detected in baby formula.

haunted 英英释义


1. having or showing excessive or compulsive concern with something

    e.g. became more and more haunted by the stupid riddle
           was absolutely obsessed with the girl
           got no help from his wife who was preoccupied with the children
           he was taken up in worry for the old woman

    Synonym: obsessedpreoccupiedtaken up(p)

2. inhabited by or as if by apparitions

    e.g. a haunted house

3. showing emotional affliction or disquiet

    e.g. her expression became progressively more haunted

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