
hazelnuts是什么意思 hazelnuts在线翻译 hazelnuts什么意思 hazelnuts的意思 hazelnuts的翻译 hazelnuts的解释 hazelnuts的发音 hazelnuts的同义词



hazelnuts 基本解释

榛实( hazelnut的名词复数 );

hazelnuts 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. Beans, fish and shrimp, hazelnuts, peanuts and other dried fruits, seaweed, edible fungus, mushroom, sesame, and many green vegetables are good sources of calcium.

2. Hazelnuts, pine nuts and almonds are good resources of this type of vitamin E.
    榛子、松仁和杏仁是这种维他命 E 的良好来源。

3. T oast the hazelnuts for about 15 minutes or until fragrant and the outer skins begin to flake..

4. E. g., Allergy to hazelnuts is common in areas with many birch trees, where birch pollen hay lever is frequent

5. In order to clarify the rules of POD isoenzyme in the hazelnut, identify their blood relations between female, male and filial generations and select the superior parents for cross-breeding, we have studied the characteristics of peroxidase isoenzyme which are distributed in the 34 hazelnut varieties or lines by polyarclamide gel electrophoresis, The results showed that:POD isoenzymes of Corylus heterophylla Fisch, Corylus avellana L, and the hybrid of Corylus heterophylla Fisch × Corylus avellana L had obvious difference; some hybrids had lost P10 spectrum band of parents; the enzyme spectrum of 32 hybrid hazelnuts produced `new hybrid spectrum bands`that could be considered as a mean to identify hybrids.

6. However, it was some sundries, such as almonds, hazelnuts, chestnuts

7. Crazily crisp dark chocolate and ko okily nutty fist fulls of American hazelnuts make this one nut job you won`t want to lock up.

8. 2 Cups(about 8 ounces) blanched hazelnuts sometime I use almond, but I prefer hazelnuts
    苦甜或半甜巧克力 340g(我用了2/3的72%的黑巧,加上1/3的普通牛奶巧克力

9. The 26 types are: apricots, artichokes, asparagus, aubergines, avocadoes, beans, Brussels sprouts, carrots, cauliflowers, cherries, courgettes, cucumbers, cultivated mushrooms, garlic, hazelnuts in shell, headedcabbage, leeks, melons, onions, peas, plums, ribbed celery, spinach, walnuts in shell, water melons and witloof/chicory.

10. They consume acorns, hazelnuts, chestnuts and beech flowers.
    他们所消费的橡子,hazelnuts ,栗子和榉树的花朵。

11. Toast hazelnuts on a baking sheet until the skins char

12. Biscotti can be variously flavored; the most popular additions are anise seed, hazelnuts or almonds.

13. Roasted beet, mixed lettuce, hazelnuts, goat cheese, hazelnut oil.

14. The findings apply to tree nuts such as walnuts, almonds, pistachios, macadamias, hazelnuts and peanuts.

15. 911查询·英语单词

15. Walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds in the shell, he said. It was a very Italian thing.

16. Roast the hazelnuts in the oven until brown.

17. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

17. It defines tree nuts as walnuts, almonds, pistachios, cashews, pecans, hazelnuts, macadamias and Brazil nuts.

18. It's made out of dark chocolate that is then covered with Italian hazelnuts and served with a scoop of ice cream.

19. Melt the chocolate with the butter and coffee in a bowl over barely simmering water. Cool, then fold in the hazelnuts.

20. 911查询·英语单词

20. The Application of 5S management in the Food Processing Corporation Hazelnuts in Food Processing

hazelnuts 单语例句

1. A fruit candy using local produce is currently undergoing testing, and plans are also in the works to sell village hazelnuts to the local markets.

2. The department said it ordered the recall after seven people fell sick with E coli bacteria from eating tainted hazelnuts.

3. Arrange leaves in a wreath shape around bowl of fondue and garnish with hazelnuts.

4. People who develop symptoms after consuming hazelnuts should seek immediate medical attention, the department suggested.

5. The two ice creams were topped with hazelnuts and had a lovely presentation but an overpowering sweetness.

6. LOS ANGELES - The California Department of Public Health on Friday announced a recall of hazelnuts which might be contaminated by E coli bacteria.

7. Thieves who stole 300 kg of hazelnuts in Germany have been urgently warned not to eat them.

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