
headstand是什么意思 headstand在线翻译 headstand什么意思 headstand的意思 headstand的翻译 headstand的解释 headstand的发音 headstand的同义词

headstand [ˈhedstænd]  [ˈhɛdˌstænd] 

headstand 基本解释


headstand 网络解释

1. headstand的反义词

1. 头手倒立:例如昨天的三次自由发挥时间就包括了两次自选倒立和一次自选弯背动作;我分别做了头手倒立(Headstand)、全手倒立(Handstand)和拱桥(Wheel post). 其中全手倒立我虽然需要倚靠墙身作支持,但是我这次踢腿一次就把整个人倒立起来,爽!

2. 头倒立:手倒立 handstand | 头倒立 headstand | 劈叉 splits

3. 倒立:headstall /马笼头/ | headstand /倒立/ | headstock /主轴承/

4. 倒立 (名):headstall 马笼头 (名) | headstand 倒立 (名) | headstone 墓石, 基石 (名)

headstand 双语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. In the heating system, the heating cover and the heating preservation cotton should be made a body, the power of the heating cover shoulde be used adequately. In the feeding-in system, the shape of the feeding-in facility changes headstand four-pyramid by the headstand cone, it may prevent the appearance of the dead angle and increase the feeding-in quantity. In the hydraulic system, uniting the actual movement situation, the limit switch may be used to control whether the precompression rammer arrives the right position instead of the pressure switch, and we can promptly discovere whether the precompression room exists stopping-up situation and take the corresponding measure.

2. For example, headstand and shoulderstand should simply not be done if people are pregnant, have neck pain, high or low blood pressure, neck injuries, or are menstruating.

3. headstand的意思

3. Wang Ping: When they are small, Chinese children already learn to bend waist and headstand.

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. Among all yoga exercises I prefer headstand and handstand, 或者I love headstand and handstand most among all yoga exercises. 5 to the best of my knowledge.
    就我所知,相当于so far as I know…这样的一些短语并没有实际的含义,通常都用在句首,说话人要表达的观点,态度都在后面。

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. Sancho promises to return as quickly as he can, and after watching Don Quixote take off his trousers and do a headstand to indicate his madness, he sets off on Rocinante.
    桑丘承诺尽快返回他可以和看完唐吉诃德脱下了长裤,并做倒立,以表明他疯狂,他引发的Rocinante 。

6. Inversions such as Downward Dog and Headstand are particularly good for circulation, bringing oxygenated blood to the brain and re-energizing and centering the practitioner.

7. For instance, those poses such as hands-up, legs-lifting and headstand are beneficial for children's viscera, arms and legs, balance and mind.

8. If you want to go an intensity higher, do headstand pushup.

9. Before my accident, I could easily do a headstand.

10. Can you make a headstand?

11. The headstand causes an increase in circulation to the brain, which stimulates the brain's nerve cells.

12. Okay, class, I'd like to now move into a tripod headstand.

13. One of the more advanced yoga poses, the supported headstand, also can be used to calm the brain and relieve stress.

14. When you find your line in Headstand, it's a beautiful thing.

15. Uncle johnny, come and watch me do a headstand.

16. Once you find proper alignment in Tadasana, you'll balance with ease in Headstand.

17. So it's well worth your while to put in the minimal investment of time and effort it takes to learn good Headstand alignment.

18. " Everyone's experience is different, " said Li Hailong, 50, director of the center. " We have all kinds of patients. " Left, Li Yaohua, 5, showed off a headstand.

19. headstand的近义词

19. The headstand wire drawn machine is a suitable equipment for the production of heavy coil bearing steel wire for high speed cold heading.

20. headstand什么意思

20. Fatigue cracks develop in the shape of semi-ellipse, and the pattern of fatigue crack growth looks like headstand Y with the head pointing at the origin of the cracks.

headstand 英英释义


1. an acrobatic feat in which a person balances on the head (usually with the help of the hands)

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