
heath是什么意思 heath在线翻译 heath什么意思 heath的意思 heath的翻译 heath的解释 heath的发音 heath的同义词 heath的反义词 heath的例句

heath [hi:θ]  [hiθ] 


heath 基本解释

名词荒地,荒野; [植]石南; 杜鹃花科植物

heath 网络解释

1. 石南:例如到处生长着的一种小型的蔓生的桃金孃属植物(Mytrus nummularia),它好像英国的蔓越桔(Cranberry)一样有木质的茎,并且结生甜美的浆果,还有一种岩高兰属植物(Empetrum rubrum),它好像是英国的帚石南(heath),还有一种灯心草属的植物(Juncus grandiflorus),

2. heath

2. 希斯:她35岁的儿子希斯(Heath)从11月起就一直在澳洲看望女友. 新南威尔士(New South Wales)警方表示,他是在周二晚听完缅尼吐巴同乡乐班Doc Walker的乡村乐音乐会后,深夜等火车时,遭到2名青年袭击的. 2名青年走近他的轮椅,

3. heath的近义词

3. 荒原:heat wave热浪 | heath荒原 | heavy industry重工业

4. 石楠群丛:habitat 生境 | heath 石楠群丛 | height 高度

heath 词典解释

1. (野草或石南丛生的)荒野,荒原
    A heath is an area of open land covered with rough grass or heather and with very few trees or bushes.

heath 单语例句


1. Angelina Jolie's hairbrush has also made it onto the site, as did Heath Ledger's costume from cowboy movie'Brokeback Mountain'.

2. Grieving actress Michelle Williams has returned to work on a film set just yards from where her former fiance Heath Ledger was found dead.

3. Those comments enraged Sheehan supporter Dee Ann Heath, who said she has two sons serving in Iraq and another preparing to leave.

4. Lindsay Lohan's mother Dina has claimed the actress was in a relationship with Heath Ledger at the time of the actor's death in January 2008.

5. Lindsay Lohan was dating Heath Ledger when he died, according to the actress's mother Dina.

6. Two music videos that represent actor Heath Ledger's last directorial work before his death in January 2008 will be released this year.

7. Australian dressage rider Heath Ryan offered some of the best praise, calling the Hong Kong facilities " the best in the world ".

8. She wanted the same kind of fulfilment in her life that Heath found in his after becoming a dad.

9. Heath Ledger's last girlfriend Gemma Ward has paid tribute to the late actor in her first interview since his death in January.

10. " It was a very great challenge for Heath, " Nolan had said.

heath 英英释义


1. a tract of level wasteland
    uncultivated land with sandy soil and scrubby vegetation

    Synonym: heathland

2. a low evergreen shrub of the family Ericaceae
    has small bell-shaped pink or purple flowers

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