
heather是什么意思 heather在线翻译 heather什么意思 heather的意思 heather的翻译 heather的解释 heather的发音 heather的同义词 heather的反义词

heather [ˈheðə(r)]  [ˈhɛðɚ] 

heather 基本解释



heather 网络解释

1. heather在线翻译

1. 石南:湖畔姹紫嫣红,垂柳依依,时而小桥流水,时而瀑布如练,时而花团锦簇,时而花香拂面. 花园中的花种类繁多,郁金香、水仙、杜鹃、雪花莲(snowdrop)、石南(heather)等等,五彩缤纷,尤其是倚势而建的杜鹃花墙,在春天时,灿烂如火,令人心醉.

2. 赫瑟尔 英国 开花的石楠:Hazel 海柔爾 英國 領袖,指揮官. | Heather 赫瑟爾 英國 開花的石楠. | Hedda 赫達 德國 鬥爭或戰鬥.

3. 海拾兹 英国, 开花的石南:Hayden 海登 条顿 来自围以树篱的小镇. | Heather 海拾兹 英国 开花的石南. | Henry 享利 条顿 管理家庭的人;家族统治者.

heather 词典解释

1. 欧石南
    Heather is a low, spreading plant with small purple, pink, or white flowers. Heather grows wild in Europe on high land with poor soil.


heather 单语例句

1. Heather Morris offers a few hilarious observations as ditsy cheerleader Brittany, but they're in sharp contrast to her expert dance moves.

2. The Daily Express described it as " The Cup of Tears " on its back page adding, " Europe dedicate victory to Heather ".

3. Heather Mills has been dealt a serious blow in her divorce battle with estranged hubby Sir Paul McCartney after being dropped by her lawyers.

4. Ricky Gervais has teased Sir Paul McCartney for having no money since his divorce from Heather Mills.

5. Heather Mills'father has begged his estranged daughter to get back in touch with him.

6. Heather Graham was " disappointed " when she went to a strip club.

7. Sir Paul McCartney and Heather Mills have been hitting the headlines on a daily basis recently because of their high profile divorce battle.

8. Ryder Cup wildcard Clarke was returning to golf after an absence of eight weeks following the death of his wife Heather.

9. His wife Heather's continuing illness has meant he has not picked up a club for two weeks.

10. Heather called into Paul Hayes'show and was randomly selected from dozens of hopefuls to be put through live.

heather 英英释义


1. interwoven yarns of mixed colors producing muted greyish shades with flecks of color

    Synonym: heather mixture

2. common Old World heath represented by many varieties
    low evergreen grown widely in the northern hemisphere

    Synonym: lingScots heatherbroomCalluna vulgaris

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