
heatstroke是什么意思 heatstroke在线翻译 heatstroke什么意思 heatstroke的意思 heatstroke的翻译 heatstroke的解释 heatstroke的发音 heatstroke的同义词

heatstroke [ˈhi:tstrəʊk]  [ˈhi:tstroʊk] 

heatstroke 基本解释


heatstroke 网络解释

1. 中暑:热衰竭( heat exhaustion)与中暑(heatstroke)人体在炎热的环境中过度地产热及发汗,最后因超过体温调节中枢代偿机制的负荷,使体温急剧上升,而引发多重器官的衰竭和死亡;热衰竭和中暑分别代表了这个病程中较早期和较晚期的变化.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. 暑:就统计机率而言, 在未来一年中应该会有几位跑者在马拉松比赛中丧生 -- 多数死於心脏病, 其他常见死因为中暑 (heatstroke) 与低血钠症 (hyponatremia).为了找到答案, 我拜访了许多世界顶尖的心脏与运动专家,

3. 热射病:中暑又称日射病(sun stroke)或热射病(heatstroke),是马匹体内产热增多或散热减少所致的一种急性体温过高. 其特征是体温显著升高、循环衰竭及不同程度的中枢神经机能紊乱.

4. 中暑 第八章:heat loss 散热 第八章 | heatstroke 中暑 第八章 | Heidenhain pouch 海登汉小胃 第六章

heatstroke 单语例句

1. Water is the best drink to quench your thirst in the hot summer and water can always help you lower the risk of contracting heatstroke.

2. What one doctor terms an " emotional heatstroke " is causing some Beijingers to turn cranky and head for mental health care.

3. With the temperature gradually rising again, visitors are suggested to beware of heatstroke.

4. Veterinarians are reminding pet owners that pets can suffer from heatstroke inside or outside and from influenza from air conditioning.

5. The NMC urged relevant departments to take fire prevention measures, and cautioned individuals to avoid heatstroke.

6. Greece experienced another long heatwave in late June that killed at least 10 people and sent 250 others to hospital with heatstroke.

7. Timely treatment helps potential heatstroke victims and the attendants'intervention work saves the guests from having to go to medical stations.

8. Six Hong Kong teenagers suffered heatstroke when hiking on Tuesday and had to be taken to hospitals by helicopters.

9. She also suffered heatstroke while working in summer, and once passed out on the way for two hours.

10. With the mercury rising, the number of people suffering from heatstroke has also climbed to a new high.

heatstroke 英英释义



1. collapse caused by exposure to excessive heat

    Synonym: heat hyperpyrexia

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