
heavy taxation是什么意思 heavy taxation在线翻译 heavy taxation什么意思 heavy taxation的意思 heavy taxation的翻译 heavy taxation的解释

heavy taxation

heavy taxation 双语例句

1. Actually, be sure from Confucius content is about to go after, support commercial activity, object closing heavy taxation more, admire benefit of have trade relations is versed in, develop goods breed person with ability, announce be in business mystery, accept a series of words and deeds such as mercantile assistance to look, its its protect the; that justice benefit is watched and the basic trend of viewpoint of value is progress brightly Shang Huishang thought, be the times pace in time that grows with age evening socioeconomy more.
    实际上 ,从孔子肯定物欲追求,支持商业活动,反对多关重税,赞赏通商惠工,培养货殖人才,揭示经商奥秘,接受商人赞助等一系列言行看,其义利观和价值观的基本倾向是进步的;其鲜明的保商惠商思想,更是与春秋末期社会经济发展的时代步伐合拍的。

2. danci.911cha.com

2. In China, it meant heavy taxation of peasants to subsidize heavy industry and shortages of urban housing

3. Heavy taxation added to the discontent of the people.

4. A Franciscan from Genoa, he enriched his family and the Papal States through simony and heavy taxation.

5. Chinese household registration system and the feudal society so the people in order to get rid of the heavy taxation and forced to banishment of pain, has existed for the household registration system, and fled and escaped account instead of hidden by struggle.

6. And third, reforms supporting the reform of state enterprises must be carried out successfully in order to solve the following problems: the heavy burden of debts and taxation, the enterprise running a small society, and the establishment of a social security system.

7. But these reform measures produce new problems in rural expenses of taxation reform at present while solving the old contradiction, such as heavy burden of rural expenses of taxation and imperfect system of rural compulsory education and so on.

8. The problem of the heavy load of the peasants is social conflict itself, resulting from the game between the government and the peasantry on agricultural taxation and interest.

9. Since 1994, in circulation for catering industry has been link imposes business tax, due to its full way way levied in accordance with the business, would cause repeated taxation and the enterprise the heavy taxes.

10. heavy taxation在线翻译

10. The imperfection of logistic tax policy, the evasion of taxes, heavy and unfair taxation in logistic companies seriously impede the further development of logistics.

11. Even in difficult times we must take care to set a limit to taxation so that the burdens, though heavy, will not hurt the people.

12. The heavy taxation system is the fundamental reason, and the war and army is the direct cause of the actual.

heavy taxation 单语例句

1. On top of that, heavy taxation imposed on luxury items will of course help.

heavy taxation的翻译
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