
hideouts是什么意思 hideouts在线翻译 hideouts什么意思 hideouts的意思 hideouts的翻译 hideouts的解释 hideouts的发音 hideouts的同义词

hideouts 基本解释


隐匿处( hideout的名词复数 );


hideouts 双语例句

1. The boys were victims of US air strikes late 25 September 2004 on suspected hideouts of a militant group in Fallujah. At least 15 people were killed and 33 were wounded in the raids.

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2. The violence began on Thursday, when Indian troops attacked suspected militant hideouts in a mountainous forest area near Mendhar in Poonch district of Indian administered Kashmir.

3. hideouts什么意思

3. Parkistai officials say thier helicopter gunships have stepped attacks on targets in South Warziristan near the Afghan boder. Security officials say today's attack were aimed at suspected militant hideouts east of South Warziristan's main town Wana.

4. With US fighter jets streaking overhead, anti-Taliban forces firing tanks and anti-aircraft guns Monday seized a key ridge near one of Osama bin Laden's hideouts in the majestic mountains near Pakistan.

5. Human rights groups describe a mostly one-sided fight between the lightly armed but ragged and woebegone former CIA fighters and the national army eager to dislodge them from their jungle hideouts.

6. hideouts的翻译

6. We stay in the lumpy little paper hideouts, changing under the variable illuminations of light and shades and feel the brisk romanticism-that is the long forgotten cultural conversation between artist and Xuan paper.

7. hideouts的反义词

7. Fortunately, appropriate cleaning and disinfection methods can dislodge the unwanted intruders from even their most secret hideouts.

8. danci.911chaxun.com

8. Only a week after ordering the Mexican army to flush out the Chiapas rebels from their mountain hideouts, Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo abruptly changed course and called off the troops.

9. As if you don't know his favorite hideouts.

10. General Ghani insists this is because army raids and strikes are mostly hitting militant hideouts set up in high mountains.

11. hideouts的意思

11. A statement on Turkey's military website says the rebels were killed during the fourth day of clashes as Turkish artillery pounded suspected Kurdish rebel hideouts inside Iraq.

12. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

12. State TV said the military had " stormed the hideouts of saboteurs " and urged the public to back security forces.

13. hideouts的近义词

13. The League's simple, brutal and effective strategy was to employ a militia to raid the toll gatherers'hideouts.

14. Secretive government agencies, classified information, international hideouts and charges of espionage & these are the makings of a Hollywood spy thriller.

15. The snag is that it is hard to find out the hideouts of these criminals in a timely manner, just like our American friends find it hard to find terrorists, he said.

16. The police must be equipped with the devices needed to track down the robbers in their hideouts.

hideouts 单语例句

1. Pakistan's army recently launched a major offensive in the border area to clear out Pakistani Taliban elements from hideouts there.

2. The statement added that the air forces are monitoring the militants'hideouts to assist the police to control them.

3. Malik said he expected the army to remain focused on cracking down on militants and their hideouts across Kashmir despite the troop cuts.

4. The US has pushed Pakistan to eliminate militant hideouts it fears are being used as rest stops for insurgents engaged in the war in Afghanistan.

5. Violence has fallen sharply in Algeria over the past two years as militants surrender and armed forces attack rebel hideouts.

6. Both forces took part in special operations against isolated terrorists bases, using digital reconnaissance equipment and armed helicopters to smash their hideouts and their ammunition depots.

7. Bremer said Saddam has " obviously dug down " in one of these hideouts.

8. Fighting spread after police raided suspected Fatah Islam hideouts in several buildings in Tripoli, searching for men wanted in a recent bank robbery.

9. The attacks have coincided with a Turkish military assault against separatist Kurdish rebel hideouts both inside Turkey and across the border in northern Iraq.

10. The police are offering rewards to anyone who provides information that helps them uncover fake money hideouts or track down crucial suspects.

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